
主题:不可忍,长春什么时候属于过日本? -- 香山居士

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家园 不知道伪满洲国英文怎么说。。





家园 Puppet Manchukuo?
家园 【原创】 我刚才也发了信,一封给所有的诺贝尔奖人员,另一


Congratulations Nobel Price! You've done it again (offending us Chinese)

To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

Dear Nobel Price staff,

I am from China, for the past I wasn't bothered at all by what celebrations you've been running all these years, at most you would have annouced some banana man (sorry for the pun) became the winner of your price and showed off how much the west had contributed to the world and how these banana man (women) winners looked up to your western models, and of course, it's none of my business.

But this time it's different.

You are about to become public enemy No.1 to 1.5 billion Chinese, in less than an hour, when this year's nobel price winner are annouced, they will find out how much love the Nobel Price has for the Japanese Imperialism.

I do not know whether it was out of your ignorance of understanding history or because of your naturally inherited sense of european superiority (I suspect it's both), that on your website you've dare to write "Changchun, China (former Japan)" as the birth place for Ei-ichi Negishi, see below link:


If a Chinese city (Changchun) can so easily become "former Japan" in your blue eyes, then I am 100% sure that you also believe Paris is 'former Germany', or shall we say 'former Reich'?

As a young Chinese myself, I know how desperate you and your western-centric media want to find any opportunity to paint us (China and Chinese) as demons, and I understand how bad you want to hurt the feelings of Chinese by ignoring their achievements all together as if the whole world is your western whiteman's creation, and still, as Chinese, I can, and we can, torlerate you, just for now.

But I do want you to know, in the past, you whiteman had killed, raped, pillaged other races like pigs, and now, you looked down on them as if they knew nothing about civilization and humanity, and you concluded they all are not capable of building human civilizations, except you wester ones.

Thanks to the freedom of internet, it's really a good thing, it allows billions of young Chinese to understand the true face of the western civilization. A younger generation of Chinese are starting to realize, and they will become the leaders, businessmen, engineers, scientists, and soldiers of China in the future.

Your western civilization was built on racism and slavery, at the expense of the lives of billions of natives around the world your civilization acquired world dominance, and because of that your civilization prospered.

But DON'T forget, what goes around, comes around.

What you had given to others in the past, will one day come back to you.

Warm Regards,

A True Chinese who Truly Loves His Country and People

家园 这信写得好,花!
家园 问题在于这个简历是谁提供的。

就是(former Japan)这几个字是谁写上去的。


家园 英语里没有加伪的传统


一般解释的话可以说:Manchukuo, the puppet state established and controlled by the Japanese Kuantong Army

家园 不太好说清。。。

这段要写清楚就太费时间了。。。问题的关键是满洲国是个独立国家,法理上绝对是独立的。日本人自己都没有说过满洲国是日本的领土吧。China (former Japan)这几个词就更可恶了。

家园 我昨天发的email,已经改了,这里是诺贝尔奖网站的回信

Dear xxxx(My name),

Thank you for your e-mail. Since the morning of Thursday 7 October the biography data for Prof. Negishi has been updated.

We appreciate your concern in this sensitive matter.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 at The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences: http://www.kva.se/en/pressroom/Press-releases-2010/The-Nobel-Prize-in-Chemistry-2010/

Kind regards,

Erik Huss


Kommunikatr med pressansvar/Press Officer

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Web http://kva.se


Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien har till uppgift att frmja vetenskaperna och strka deras inflytande i samhllet.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has as its aim to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society.

家园 向您献花致敬,并代表个人谢宝!

送花 关闭


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家园 这信太给力了


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