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主题:美国精英对美国选票制度的批判。 -- dolong
SMD: Is the success of China a challenge to Western democracies?
Let's make a historical comparison. Was the rise of the United States a threat to democratic Britain? The United States was founded on the slaughtering of indigenous population and the slave system. Is this model suitable for other countries? Do you want China to learn from this model? It is true that the US has developed into a democratic country which is strong in many respects, but its democracy is not developed from this model, which any rational person would not want to imitate.
China is developing, but there is no evidence to prove that its internal development is causing a threat to the West. What is challenging the US is not China's development, but its independence. That is the real challenge.
You can tell from every day's headlines that the current focus of US foreign policy is Iran. The year 2010 is called 'The Year of Iran.' Iran is portrayed as a threat to US foreign policy and the world order. The US has imposed harsh, unilateral sanctions, but China has not followed suit. China has never followed the US lead. Instead, it supports UN sanctions, which are too weak to matter. A few days before I left for China, the US States
Department warned China in a very interesting way. It said China has to bear international responsibilities, i.e. follow US orders. This is China's international responsibilities.
This is standard imperialism, which is that other countries have to act according to our requests. If not, they are irresponsible. I think officials from the Chinese Foreign Ministry must laugh when they hear this. But this is the standard logic of imperialism. In fact, Iran becomes a threat because it does not follow US instructions. China is a bigger threat, as it is a
big problem when a major power refuses to obey orders. This is the challenge that the US faces.
中国需要的就是技术的进步,技术进步之后的文明是自然而然的,因为技术越是先进,越是需要人与人之间的合作,社会也就越和谐。中国的当务之急就是脱离打工仔的地位,郭台铭可以随时开除一个河南的民工,但Steve Jobs就不能随便开除一个MIT或斯坦福的毕业生。
Alexandria Mills was all smiles when she was crowned Miss World on Saturday, making her the third American to nab the title in the pageant's 60-year history. Yet new reports are surfacing that suggest the 18-year-old's victory was primarily the result of ongoing diplomatic tensions between Norway and China following Liu Xiaobo's controversial Nobel Prize win, according to the Daily Mail.
The article cites Miss World authorities who speculate that judges at the ceremony, held in Sanya on China's tropical Hainan Island, may have bowed to pressure from officials in Beijing, who are said to be furious that the Oslo-based Nobel Prize committee honored Liu, a jailed dissident, last month. Though she was considered an early favorite for the Miss World title, Miss Norway Mariann Birkedal wasn't even named into the top five contestants.
"They must have mixed politics and business," 2002 Miss World contestant and Norwegian personality Kathrine Sorland told the Daily Mail. "Without jumping to conclusions, I would stress that Miss World competitions have always been political. And the relations between China and Norway are very strained at the moment."
As for Birkedal, the 23-year-old former Miss Universe has thus far shrugged off the speculation. "I have been very careful with speculating about that myself...it is kind of stupid to start thinking that if this or that had not occurred, I would perhaps have been Miss World 2010," she is quoted as saying. "I do believe everything happens out of a reason."
China Bullet Train Becomes World's Fastest (VIDEO)
BadIdeas 06:44 AM on 10/27/2010
51 Fans
Who needs individual freedoms when you can have great infrastructure? Trains are always ranked ahead of free speech in my personal priorities. You too?
DutchmanJunior 07:02 AM on 10/27/2010
16 Fans
You have free speech? It sure isn't getting you anywhere.
netzwerg 07:23 AM on 10/27/2010
104 Fans
You got to love the "Free Speech Zones":
Red Herring 10:31 AM on 10/27/2010
85 Fans
Free speech is an illusion in the USA. Oh and yes I do prefer, competant, intelligent government that is working for my well being, over the dysfunctional system in the USA where every single politician is in the pockets of the banksters and the only legislation is against my interests and only serves the interests of the 1% elite. Forget the cheap slogans and actually take a look at the US government and your steadily eroding freedoms. In China they are working for the Chinese. In the USA the government is working for and being run by the banks. The only growth industry in the USA is Usury.
Donns 07:09 AM on 10/27/2010
106 Fans
You have free speach and hardly any servicable infrastructure. Is there any reason that you have to give up one to get the other?
MajorKong 07:16 AM on 10/27/2010
922 Fans
I'll sleep well knowing that I'll be allowed to say anything I want from my cardboard box under the overpass.
Red Herring 10:34 AM on 10/27/2010
85 Fans
Well said brother. You are free to starve and freeze to death in the dark and living in your cardboard box in the USA. The only guaranteed right.
Jimmy2010 04:31 PM on 10/28/2010
0 Fans
You have freedom of speech? Are you kidding me?
Can you go to the street and speak loudly that you hate Isreal?
netzwerg 06:39 AM on 10/27/2010
104 Fans
"Sure they are oppressed almost to the point of absurdity. Take a look at this video it's a documentary about the Tank man..." Tank Man,... I dont have time to watch the 52 mins documentary but it probably refers to the guy that stands in front of the tank during the 1989
Tiananmen Massacre. "That will show you how China really is." More like how China was, 20 years ago. I know how China really is, I live and work there 6 months of the year. You can basically do anything, as long as you don't plan to overthrow the government or go protesting. They are the place to be right now, like being in France during the Renaissance or like being in the US during the industrial revolution. They surely got their problems to solve, but they are doing a good job.
I am not a fan of communism, but it is definately the only way to control this huge population right now.
"Democracy", as we understand it, would end up in chaos there in no time.
DutchmanJunior 06:52 AM on 10/27/2010
16 Fans
In Israel or the USA,. the tank would run over the protestors.
I get sick of people that know nothing spewing crap about human rights in other countries.
Most haven't been out of their own county much less country.
Never heard of a cop tasering some old grandma in Europe.
netzwerg 07:00 AM on 10/27/2010
104 Fans
I have never seen a Taser on a cop in Germany, the Netherlands or Europe in general.
In China, the Cops don't even have/need guns.
HUFFPOST SUPER USER David Rozgonyi 07:26 AM on 10/27/2010
597 Fans
What a great post! I also have spent time in China, though not quite as much as you, and found it as you describe. Right down to the democracy bit... Imagine what a bunch of slick hucksters like we have in the states would do to a mostly rural, uneducated population. Heck, they do enough of mind-F on the people in the US!
Bluedanube 06:35 AM on 10/27/2010
416 Fans
In the rest of the world the people recognize the need for government to take a lead in developing infrastructure. The U.S. public has been indoctrinated to believe that government can't do anything and only the
private sector is the answer. The private sector is not going to invest in infrastructure. The U.S. will continue to fall further and further behind as the rest of the world moves forward.
wulidncr 06:44 AM on 10/27/2010
207 Fans
The abuses of the upper crust in Imperial Russia brought bloody revolution and communism. The abuses of the upper eschelons of French society brought out the guillotine. The rulers of ancient Rome lost their empire to pride,
greed and infighting. America is in a stranglehold of left vs. right while big corps pull the strings of both. We are fools to think corporations value the constitution. Now, with even the Supreme Court doing their bidding, they hardly even have to pretend to. We have crumbling infrastructure, crippling debt, low taxes on corps and the wealthy, constant war, social division, the highest anti-depressant use in the world. The states that preach religion the loudest have the highest teen pregnancy rates, divorce and viewing of porn on the net. Districts where abstinence only is taught have higher teen pregnancy rates. We have candidates cuffing journalists on private property and supporters stomping the head of a member of the opposition. While we burn, some of our candidates talk about birth certificates, the sin of masturbation, seem to have forgotten what the constitutions says, work to do away with social security, healthcare, unemployment benefits. Bullying in our schools is so cruel, children are killing themselves in shocking numbers. Our military is experiencing high numbers of suicide, rape and depression as well. One hedge fund manager makes as much as 20,000 teachers and a fire departments stood by watching a home burn over an unpaid $75 fee. We are sick. Terminally? I don't know.
MarsAmbassador 03:38 AM on 10/27/2010
937 Fans
China is the country of the future, in the present. Of that there is no doubt. Their harbor and rail infrastructure is the best in the world, their industrial capacity allows them to manufacture 80% of the goods on the planet, they are global leaders in the manufacturing of alternative green energy technology and they've DOUBLED their number of colleges and universities in just 10 years!
The US is so freaking toast it's not even funny.
bushguy 05:24 AM on 10/27/2010
18 Fans
They might have a poverty problem over the coming years. They have hundreds of millions of citizens who live in the type of poverty developed countries simply don't have. This will be a problem for them.
Otherwise I agree with you.
Red Herring 03:40 PM on 10/27/2010
85 Fans
They moved 400 million people out of poverty in the past ten years. The entire population of the USA is only 320 million. At thet same time the USA moved 40 million people into poverty. So who gets the job done. I`ll give
you a hint, it ain`t Capitalism.
engchina 07:21 AM on 10/27/2010
130 Fans
China is a nation of WE can do to make our nation stronger. The US is a nation of ME and only ME.
The Chinese are building a middle class while government inaction, overt avarice and greed is destroying the American middle class.It's that simple.
DutchmanJunior 07:25 AM on 10/27/2010
16 Fans
1 billion people working together can do amazing things.
300 million divided can't accomplish much.
Watching China 02:52 PM on 10/28/2010
0 Fans
Precisely correct. China is a pluralistic society, and the West may never understand that. Probablyl 90% of all Chinese would be willing to work hard and make serious pers
Charles Duhigg 去年三月在时代上报道过“几十年来,这些系统——有些建立于内战时期——已经被习惯于为水供应和下水道清理不承担任何支出的政客和居民忽视了。因此,每年都有几十万起街道和房屋损害、导致危险的工业污染渗入饮用水供应。”
改善水系统——以及如果做得好的话普遍的说整个基础设施——会沿着改善这个国家令人失望的经济表现方向走出一大步根据美国Conference of Mayors(实在不知道这是什么机构),向改进水和下水道系统投入的每一美元将长期来看产生大概六美元多的GDP。如果国家认真的修理、更新water mains(不知道是啥,大概是水系统主要部分?), crumbling pipes(还是不知道具体是什么),水处理工厂、大坝、河堤,将产生几十万个工作岗位。
需求是巨大的。根据美国Society of Civil Engineers(不晓得什么机构)最近给出基础建设打分D-来看,国家的水系统网络正好处在最差的时候。 Jeffrey Griffiths是federal government’s National Drinking Water Advisory Council(不知道怎么翻译合适),他告诉时代:“我们倚赖的水系统是我们的曾祖父辈(可能是……反正是很古老的前辈就是了)建设的 ,没人希望为我们忽略它们的几十年付钱。许多证据说明人民在生病。只是因为看不到,没人真的明白事情究竟到了多快的程度。
What has always struck me about this issue is that there is a desperate need to improve the nation’s infrastructure and a desperate need for the jobs and enhanced economic activity that would come from sustained, long-term infrastructure investment. But somehow the leadership and the will to move forward on the scale that is needed are missing.
A survey to be released this week by the ITT Corporation, which makes and sells water infrastructure equipment, shows that nearly 70 percent of respondents agreed with the statement “I generally take my access to clean water for granted.” But a similar percentage said they would be willing to pay a modest additional amount every month to upgrade their water system and ensure their long-term access to clean water.
If public officials would provide honest leadership on this and other infrastructure issues, making a sound case for the investments that are needed and the benefits that would accrue from rebuilding America’s infrastructure, the public would be likely to sign on.
We can start getting our act together now, or we can pay dearly later. The Obama administration has provided federal support for some water and other infrastructure improvements but nothing close to the kind of effort needed to bring America’s infrastructure into even reasonable shape.
The horror stories abound: the drowning of New Orleans when the levees failed in 2005, the 2007 explosion of an ancient steam pipe in Manhattan that killed one person and injured more than 30, the gas pipeline explosion and fire last month in San Bruno, Calif., that killed seven and injured more than 50. There are endless other examples, tragic, costly and unnecessary.
The sorry state of America’s infrastructure is a hard-core reflection of what is really going on in this increasingly hapless society, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.
Democrats Face Biggest House Midterm Defeat in Year
1938年的时候,民主党输了72个席位,这次民调是输 55~65个席位,但看趋势,有可能输70个以上。继续看结果。
众议院共 435个席位,赢得218个即是多数。
Published: November 5, 2010
Clinton calls Myanmar elections sign of repression
MELBOURNE, Australia – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton hit out Sunday at Myanmar's military rulers, calling their weekend elections deeply flawed and a sign of "heartbreaking" repression in the country.
In a speech to Australian university students, Clinton also called on the military-led government in Fiji to restore democracy in the Pacific island nation.
She said she hoped Myanmar's election — the first in 20 years — could produce a few new leaders who might change the country's direction. But she stressed the United States would continue to support an international inquiry into human rights abuses in the country also known as Burma.
Sunday's elections "once again expose the abuses of the military junta," she told an audience at the University of Melbourne. "It's heartbreaking because the people of Burma deserve so much better."
The vote is being held amid both a barrage of criticism that the balloting is rigged in favor of the military and hope that some change toward democratic reform might nonetheless follow. Clinton shared that sentiment.
"We hope that perhaps out of these elections some leaders will emerge who know that Burma has to take a different track and cannot continue to do the same thing and realize the potential of their people," she said.
Clinton said the U.S. and Australia would work together to improve conditions in Myanmar and also in Fiji, where the military seized control in a 2009 coup and has refused to relinquish power.
"We're going to be working together ... to persuade the military government in Suva to meet its commitment to bring democracy back to Fiji," she said. "In the short term, we would like to see steps that advance political freedoms, such as allowing professional civilians to return to key government ministries."
Clinton is in Australia on the last foreign stop of a seven-nation Asia-Pacific tour. On Monday, she and Defense Secretary Robert Gates will meet their Australian counterparts to discuss expanding defense and security cooperation.