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主题:【原创】纳粹鹰犬海德里希 -- 史鉴
我查阅了英国学者Gerald Reitlinger的专著《The SS, Alibi of a Nation: 1922-1945》有关武装党卫队的章节,没有提到海德里希的作用。另外我手上的海德里希传记,也未见这方面的记载。你的文章对希特勒的分析比较准确,但对希姆莱就有些偏差,他早在1937年1月就策划把SSVT扩展到13个营。希特勒早在1935年就提出把SSVT部队训练成军事单位,同年3月,希姆莱在汉堡一个国防军军官聚会上宣布将组建武装党卫队,以防打起仗来国内敌对势力在“背后捅刀子”。显然武装党卫队的任务是对内,而不是对外。希特勒同年3月颁布的扩军计划,扩军36个师,其中一个师就是给党卫队的名额。但是这个计划遭到国防军的极大阻力。
When Hitler issued this decree, he did not visualise a situation in which the mass of trained SS men would have to serve in the field. Nor had he in mind a war long enough for the SS units serving with the army to grow into divisions, army corps and even armies. Himmler, the Reichsfuehrer SS, was to command a unit of the party as a party disciplinarian and not as a soldier. Those who had destroyed Roehm and 'Roehmism' were not to step into Roehm's shoes. The decree of August 1938 was meant, however, to allay some of the suspicions of the army and it marked a relaxation of tension, one symptom of which was that young SS officers who had been trained at Bad Toelz and Brunswick were now seconded to the army for periods of six to twelve months. But Hitler continued till well into the war to remind the SS that they were not intended to be regular soldiers. In August 1940 he told them that they were intended to be an élite police force not exceeding five to ten per cent of the peacetime strength of the army; while in a fireside musing for Himmler's benefit in January 1942 he declared that it had been necessary to send the SS to the front, simply in order to maintain their prestige. In peacetime the SS must lose their military status.
某查了一下英语wiki,怀疑是张冠李戴了。英语wiki中给出的名字是Odilo. Globocnik,见于其人词条和海德里希的词条
此人主要的事迹是29岁做了纳粹在奥地利的Deputy Gauleiter(大概相当于省委副书记,1933年),1938年Anschluss之后被任命为维也纳的Gauleiter。后来因为戈林的反对(以及个人的贪腐和四处树敌,1939年1月30日)被一撸到底,跑到武装党卫队去做士官。但是因为希姆莱的赏识此人很快又被起用,同年11月9日被任命为卢布林区的SS及警察长官,主管修建灭绝营和搜捕犹太人。英语wikipedia说他统共须为一百五十万人的死亡负责,并从奴隶劳工和死人身上大发其财。
俺的感觉是这个Odilo. Globocnik由于主要负责灭绝营和“最终解决”,“工作”上多半与海德里希有接触;另外这两人都热心于四面树敌,纳粹超人海德里希可能因为此人的贪腐和靠希姆莱复职的过去羞辱过他。尤其可疑的是海德里希小时候曾经因为热心天主教信仰被嘲笑过,而这个Globocnik第一次失势恰恰跟和纳粹党内的天主教徒树敌有关。与此相反,迪特里希基本上是走军人路线,跟海德里希发生冲突的机会不多,他们俩还都曾经参加过右翼民兵组织freikorps,感觉上未必会和海德里希结仇。