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主题:【原创】天下太平(04年的旧文) -- 游识猷
too much as well, he is not a happy woman, and the things he wrote don't bring happiness to people as well; although, have to admit: some (most?) of the things he wrote are REALITIES--which do happen in the REAL life (daily?), and some of his comments/descriptions are pretty wise though unfavorable... LIFE IS CRUEL? maybe (it's tear, not hot water)
Quote: <只是晚上躺下时迷迷糊糊间, 我依然期待着有一日遇见那最好的, 并且但愿那最好的也选择了我. >
hahahaha.... 乐ING...
since人类的欲望没有止境--one of human being's natures, , so man or woman, they are all always looking for the better one (potentially in the mind) in all the life; well, it's reasonable, because everyone wants his/her closet the more COLORFUL, the BETTER,
, like dinner, more fresh, the better; or more dishes/choices, the better; ... -- which (the theory) has been proved by THOUSANDS of years practices/facts in human history,
, see how many partners animals could have in their life in Rain Forest, and how many wifes men are allowed to "OWN"
in their life,... -- stronge evidences, right?
We all like new/fresh things than old ones, and beautiful things than ugly(?) ones, and smart & flexible ones than boring ones....... How difficult it is for human beings to fight with their NATURES!! So let's be real, better (have to?) be tolerant to human beings' always changing desire...
"Loyalty" or "Only" (Possession) could be in the pray at night on the bed, but when in reality, always ready to face the unfavorite facts -- the NATURES,
like when we have Apple, we still wan t Banana or Mango or Orange or Berries -- the Natures -- the more, the better for stomach,
so i am only waiting for the good ones, but never expect the best ones, (exception: Best in MYSPACE, ), because i know i am not STRONG enough to fight with the NATURES,
, (well, when giving Tolerance to others, i am also Tolerant for myself, meaning if my husband swould have 30 wifes, then i might also have 300 husbands,
, and that's called FAIRNESS. ^O^
for kidding only, hehe, don't take it too seriou regarding my "comments"(?).
Life is not easy, let's try to have as much fun as possible, to make more happiness, for ourselves and those around us... Though, sometimes, hurts are unavoidable, we still have to face and deal with as long as our life still exist-- that's why I never / hate to live Longetivity or Forever -- too many troubles and problems and hurts and unfavorable things and........
i don't really trust that he never has some other ones that he also ever like(love?), in his whole life, since he is a business man -- a business man in current fast-growing Chinese Society--which pay much much less attention to Loyalty and Committment and Credibility, and... Just maybe he had better self-control or higher capability and intellegence in dealing with the "accidents", , esp. he is a successful business man, meaning much much more opportunities and temptations...
This is our secret communication, please don't tell it to the GM, thanks, .
But with a little bit doubtness... the more one experience (see, read,... etc.), the less trust/belief or reliance for Love, and the more tolerance for relationships, .......
Wish every couple loves for the whole life, like the promise on the wedding: no matter rich or poor, healthy or sick, smooth or difficult situation,(...?), we will not depart and will stand side by side forever, support and care and love (?can't remember the full sentence). Anyway, mean: in any situation, anytime, any place, love won't change. -- a good wish, hehe...
哈哈 ,不容易啊!
所以 yes i do!谁都会说,真正做到的人不多。
“我想要许许多多的爱, 若不可得, 就想要许许多多的钱.”