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主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之二:中美博弈(一) -- 井底望天
UN actually is a joke--America put UN there to ensure that its strategic intention could be implemented with a "legitimacy" coverup. That's why America promised to pay around 22% of the total fees. The UN turned out to be a blah-blah talk place with nothing achieved.
UN could not decide much. The future is G2, but America does not want to give China equal partnership status and secretly kick China below the table.
井大 is helping chinese elites to know their "partner" well so that China elites should be able to get a much better deal in this global political union. So hopefully, China participate more in the global-rule setting.
The US-Europe marriage is almost over since EU has made it clear to kill USD's global reserve status.
Obama wasted one year and could not achieve anything by now. Given the polarized political landscape, lots of good initiatives will be killed by political infight.
I never have high regard for today's Republicans.
Democracy is not about who is not Lan Ren. We are all sinners, but the system ensures the proper functioning of the society. In God we trust and in system we trust.
The society does not function at all. Due to constant interference of France and America, the whole country is a big mess since its independence. Democracy does not mean you have one president and a parliament. Otherwise, China has been a democracy ever since 1911 revolution.
There are many rules/constitution/procedures/customs associated with those social institutions and it is permeated in American's daily life. In America, it is the system that works, not just one president and one congress.
我没有说美国的system不work,美国的system works不是因为民主,而是因为这个system适合这个国家。民主在很多国家不work,在海地不work,在台湾好像也不work。你可以说这个不是民主的错,是那些国家没有相应的
I tried with chinese input and 30 minutes I wrote only one paragraph. I am not good at Chinese input. Sorry.