
主题:观察:Google事件背后是怎样的博弈? -- SkyWalkerJ

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家园 劳您给普及一下,怎么它就不违法了。多谢!
家园 为什么肯定是错误的?



家园 哦,你是说那人本来无意载客的



家园 新冷战的开端

2009 is deja vu of 1929 and America will resort to the same tactic again.

1929's worldwide problem is overcapacity (relatively insufficient effective demand). America destroyed some of its own overcapacity through 1929-1931 recession and outside world destroyed almost all of their capacity through WWII.

American came into today's social structure(a big middle class as the pilar of a civilized society) due to various macro factors: global demand for American manufactured goods, SHUTOFF OF GLOBAL immigration and international trade, global trade war. At the same time, it had the right person (a left-lean aristcratic FDR with superior political skills) as the president.

First, there was no international product competition in US market to squeeze the margin/price.

Second, there was EXTREME shortgage of labor after 1939.Union was not allowed until 1932.

Then easily US labor rate shoot above the roof and American living standards climbed quickly--capitalists were NOT unhappy at all because there was global war demand for their manufactured goods WITH NO PRICING PRESSURE and they had no choice but to employ ONLY American labor (that's why African Americans moved from impoverished south into industrialized North and many women FOR THE FIRST TIME IN US HISTORY, massively participated in the economy).

Check this out-- http://www.economist.com/printedition/displayCover.cfm?url=/images/20100102/20100102issuecovUS400.jpg

that's how US came into a society dominated by the mid-class. America reached an ideal social structure MOSTLY THROUGH SELF-REFORM AND PURE LUCK.

That favorable social structure was maintained until late 1990s since the cold war kept away the flood of super-cheap labor supply from former communist block (China included).

The free international trade, a GDP-obsessed Chinese export economy led to explosive growth in global production capacity (go to Walmart/dollar store to see the power of this revolution), but there is no catch-up in terms of effective demand from China (even the limited demand was wasted on real estate SPECULATION).


Below is the faked conversation between G-2:

America: we thoughT free-trade/free-capital movement will allow America to easily rip off others. But now you, China, looks like a cancer in this America-led Global Operating System(Trade&Financial System): you siphon off jobs, but did not create effective demands for all of us to create new domestic jobs. You must increase your exchange rate to reduce your product competitiveness and stimulate your domestic demand for ALL OF US so that we can export to your market(US and Europe).

Anyway, currency appreciation happened for Germany/France/UK/Japan for 1970s and Taiwan/Korea in 1980s. Why cann't you do it so that the USD-TreasuryNote-Brettonwoods system can get a SECOND SYSTEM Update (just like the Windows XP SP2 update and the Matrix update in Matrix III) to avoid a system disruption (of American dominance)?

China: I have another wave of young men forthcoming into the labor force. I do not care about ANY WELFARE of my compatriots or your voters. I need more new jobs to diffuse social intension and potential turmoil. ANYWAY, KEEPING POWER/CONTROL is what I care. As to the dirty cheap labor rate/lack of labor protection/environmental disaster and social welfare in CN, forget about THEM. Improvment Will NOT happen for the next 10 years. BTW, your capitalists love that in China with more money flooding in...why shall I change?

If I allow RMB to appreciate, I am sure to be Japan V2 given my deeply flawed financial system... I am NO idiot! ^-^

How about I keep on lending you billions (buying treasury bills) and you shut up your f* mouth.

America: okay okay, can we have a G2 cooperation to defeat the European global-warming attack?~

China: sure, we have deal. Business is business.

One month later, Christmas is over. White House got another bleak update.

America: F*ck, unemployment is so high and jobs are so scarce. Chinese refuse to increase exchange rate(create more import demand and reduce supply) or make domestic changes to unleash consumer demands. The only thing they want is to dump unemployment to the overseas market.

Our companies are squeezed on profit margin thus have more domestic layoff pressure, while at the same time undercut in labor costs by ShanZhai production capacity.

Hilary: we should cut off the trade/capital flow/job flow to China by disrupting the current free trade system. NOW it is the only solution given that technology revolution WILL NOT HAPPEN TO CREATE EFFECTIVE DEMAND IN YOUR 4-YEAR TERM. Chinese demand will be a joke for the next 10 years. BTw, mid-year congress election is coming, democrats will lose house if job situation keeps on deteriorating...

Keep in mind: the rule about the war on job/trade is that... it is NOT about the war on job. It is about political integrity, principle and the war on "freedom of CHINESE PEOPLE's speech", even though it is the voters in AMERICA that truly determine my political prospect.

Obama: ya, 無毒不丈夫、老子天生就是玩陰的料, it is Democrats' tradition, isn't it, darling... Anyway, Cooperhagen is dead...hahaha.

Then Taiwan suddenly got the post-Christmas "gift" and Google finally could do what it wants in the past.

China: %$#&^% f**&&^%

Start of the new cold war. Switch from peaceful WinXP operating system to the war-obsessed unstable/unpredictable Linux system...

In sum: -ism is fake, vote is the key. Principle is a joke, but economy is the reason... Friend is not permanent and adversary is not perpetual, only vote and interests are permanent and perpetual.

家园 老大決定單挑老三


100% agree with your post. Next 10 years will be interesting.

家园 这才叫考据精神,赞一个
家园 “起义无胆、拿枪无力”,只能靠嘴了不是,死穴啊
家园 当然有不是一般可靠的来源


家园 【五美分贴】Google到底遇到了什么样的攻击?






In mid-December, we detected a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China that resulted in the theft of intellectual property

而这个“sophisticated attack”的目标是:



软件公司的“intellectual property”主要是算法和源代码,算法也是体现在源代码法当中的。而常见的对公网上电子邮件服务器的攻击,似乎不大可能引起关键源代码的泄露,因为对外运营的服务器上根本不存在这部分源代码,所谓“知识产权泄露”除非是公司内部网被入侵了。


目前还没看到Google公开它所遭受的攻击的详情。有一些侧面的报道但信息仍然缺乏。我们可以推测一下,这个所谓“sophisticated attack”实际上是讲了两件事。一个是对Gmail服务器的攻击,形式与互联网上常见的黑客攻击类似,且成功了,导致两个gmail账号被入侵。而另一个则严重的多,是他在中国区office的内部网被攻击,导致部分源代码泄露。







家园 您还是说清楚一些吧。。。


家园 恩,成功投蛋。
家园 呵呵,你承认自己是外行,就不要瞎推测这么多了。


家园 难得的好文章啊,


说白了,google这个事,只是一个大时代的引子。纠缠于事情本身根本就没有必要,今后十年的趋势才是重要的。1929-1939 vs 2009-2019,that is the problem.

家园 我觉得中美是貌离神合



家园 打猎呀
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