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主题:Glenn Beck在Fox新闻关于毛泽东的一段视频 -- 冰弹
First of all, I have to say I like most of your analysis about the culture, politics,and economics on western countries,very impresive indeed.
You talked exactly the same way as the left-wing liberals, and quite honestly, disturbing.
Today's Chinese are more open minded. Discussing the achievements in Mao era is simply an effort to counter the excessive demonization of Mao which was sadly very "popular" even among our fellow chinese after China adopted reform-and-open policy. Marking those discussion with "to be nostalgic about romanticized Mao era", is itself agaist the very idea of freedom of speach. I personally think it is one kind of imperialism.
You may want to read some of 葡萄's or 陈郢客's articles posted in this forum about what happened and why that happened at that period of time as you refered as "Mao'era". I am not saying that whatever they expressed was 100% correct, but it's always wise to hear both sides of stories, isn't it?
I understand his perspectives well. His argument is that so many deaths were necessary costs of social progress.
That's the typical comment from some Chinese elites and bookworm liberal intellectuals.
I do not share his perspectives. I respect individual's rights under law. I believe that individual's right of life, due process before law are above the political ambition of politicians and their rights should not be taken over without due process and due compensation.
That's why I chose to live in Norther America.
It is normal to agree to disagree. Please do not take my comments personally.
BTW, 葡萄's view does have its advantage, since it is easy to build roads, bridges, new houses under this philosophy. That's why China changed so fast in the last 30 years.
woow... are you sure??
--anything wrong with that? Expecting better life is wrong?
--That's your perspective of French revolution and what you learned from Chinese book. Why do not you live in Europe for a while and ask Frenchmen what they learned from THEIR BOOK ABOUT THEIR HISTORY?
You are typical of some Chinese elites. Nothing wrong. We just share different perspectives. Let's agree to disagree.
first from my American colleague, a former Democrat and now Republican.
That's a widely-known quote in Sates. Last night, I searched through google and it was confirmed to be first coined by Churchill.
Previous googled result is wrong. Thanks. It is Francois.
pointing this out to me. My previous googled result from Yahoo Answer is wrong.
BTW, according to wiki--this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman Franois Guizot
If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain.
* According to research by Mark T. Shirey, citing Nice Guys Finish Seventh: False Phrases, Spurious Sayings, and Familiar Misquotations by Ralph Keyes, 1992, this quote was first uttered by mid-nineteenth century historian and statesman Franois Guizot when he observed, Not to be a republican at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head. This quote has been attributed variously to George Bernard Shaw, Benjamin Disraeli, Otto von Bismarck, and others.
* Furthermore, the Churchill Centre, on its Falsely Attributed Quotations page, states "there is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this."
group, as well as himself and his family.
It is hard to have a leader who is so selfless to only serve his own country. Leader is just a human being, as normal as you and me.
Lots of time, due to political pressure, they behaved short-sightedly and stupidly. If not, we would not have had the trade war after 1929, competitive currency devaluation, collapse of international trade and the rise of Nazi Germany.
If leader is far-sighted and cares about long-term benefits of his or her compatriots, then China would not have 2009 real estate bubble. Please read 葡萄's posts and his concern on that issue.
实践主义也可以用在舆论领域。为什么美国人一提到自己的开国元勋们就是无限深情的“Founding Fathers"? 好像这些都是道德崇高,行为无暇的圣人?一提到斯大林,毛泽东就是如同撒旦降临人间?他们的那些founding fathers私德有亏的也不少,政治上丑陋的行为慢把抓。为什么人家不提?这就是人家宣传战上的实用主义啊。
把你的建国领袖贬入18层地狱,你的政府还好的到哪里去?你政府邪恶,你的经济病态,你的文化丑陋,你们中国人...You know where the trail leads to。
"That's why I chose to live in Norther America. "