
主题:猪流感的内部消息 -- 虽远必诛

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家园 冷热都好,就是春秋不好




家园 20-25/05 真的来了





Dear Colleagues

Below is the latest update regarding H1N1 Influenza 09 (Human Swine Influenza):

The number of confirmed cases in Queensland is 2.

Nationally, the number of confirmed cases is 17.

The number of suspect cases in Queensland is 4.

Nationally, the total number of suspect cases is 43.

A 20-year-old woman returning to Brisbane from the United States has been confirmed as Queensland’s second human swine influenza case.

Queensland Health late last night received confirmation of the positive test result. The woman arrived in Brisbane on Saturday on QF16 and is now in home quarantine.

Contact tracing of all passengers seated in close proximity to her on the flight is now being carried out.

Parents of any school-age children on the flight are being advised to keep their children at home for seven days in line with the latest advice from the Commonwealth.

On Friday 22 May 2009, Australia moved its pandemic response phase from

DELAY to CONTAIN. This change follows the Chief Medical Officer's recommendation to the Minister for Health and Ageing and the Prime Minister, and it is based on the evidence that the Human Swine Influenza infection has spread in Australia.

The change from DELAY to CONTAIN means Australia is taking actions to reduce spread of the infection within our borders. This is in addition to continuing to prevent introduction of the infection from areas where it is spreading overseas.

The World Health Organization continues to stay at Phase 5 — indicating widespread human to human transmission.

It is important to note Australia currently has only a few confirmed cases of the new H1N1 influenza.

Please check the Queensland Health swine flu website for daily updates

期盼冬天赶快来,越冷越好。 现在好像就应当是冬天了。


The number of confirmed cases in Queensland is 1.

The number of suspect cases in Queensland is 2.

Nationally, the total number of suspect cases is 18.

家园 上海有了一例确诊病人是从墨尔本回去的


家园 不清楚,现在谣言满天飞,最好的办法就是等待
家园 Blooming



The number of confirmed cases in Queensland is 8.

Nationally, the number of confirmed cases is 61.

The number of confirmed cases in Queensland has risen to eight with the confirmation of a positive test of a four-year-old boy on the Sunshine Coast.

The boy was a passenger on the cruise ship Pacific Dawn and disembarked in Sydney on Saturday. The boy has received medication and is now in home isolation with his family.

Five other positive cases have been confirmed yesterday at the Gold Coast Hospital.

All had been passengers on the Pacific Dawn cruise ship that berthed in Sydney on Monday.

The people who tested positive are two children aged 5 and 7-years old, and two adults aged 37; the remaining adult is aged 45-years old. They were all passengers on Virgin flight DJ531 from Sydney to Coolangatta Gold Coast, arriving at 5.35 pm Monday.

As a result of the influx of suspected cases, Gold Coast Health Service District has established a flu clinic at the Robina Hospital Campus.


今天在回家的路上,听收音机的未经证实的谣传,说全国达到了90, 马上就非常百分百了。

而且一宿在 摸儿笨就出现了19个。


家园 更新 05/06


家园 感谢远兄建设的小院,最近疫病有向全国扩散的趋势,大家注意


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