
主题:【原创】德州兰利农场猎杀野猪记(前言+目录)(完工!) -- 东湖珞珈

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家园 你有很多好帖,建议发主题贴!
家园 感谢分享


家园 东湖兄,照片全看不到了,能不能再贴一下?


家园 不是说俄罗斯可以打老虎吗


家园 兄弟我10月23号将要去打野猪


枪用Bushmaster M4 5.56mm步枪,带一个9mm手枪备用,大冰盒,登山靴,单脚架, 单手刀,手套,头灯。


家园 原创:10月佛罗里达打野猪


Please see the video I made out of last Sat hunting trip with Jon. Thanks to Jon did a great job as an observer / photographer / videographer.

What we experienced was very overwhelming and different from what I expected. Based on what I read on its website, I thought hunting dog would be released to chase out the wild boar and corner it into an easier still game.

No, this didn't occur. Everything just happened so quickly from spotting the games to taking them down:

Jon yelled "10-12 O'clock, in front you". Then I saw black spots, 2 wild boars were running at 90 degree to our direction, on and off from view alone a fence.

Distance was 120 meters or so , wind was blowing from front left. Should I wait to drive closer? I haven't shoot any still target beyond 100 yards (91 meters), plus they were running across from left to right.

Negative, one Cattle was at front right. If I wait, wild boars would be too close to that cattle and I wouldn't have a clean shot.

Was the scope zeroed good enough? I regretted I should re-verify it before this trip, too late now. Dial scope range to 100-200 meters.

Just then, our guide Javier stopped the big-wheel buggy and shouted "Go, Liu, go for the big one…."

I shouldered the rifle and looked thru the scope. What I learned in Skeet & Trap sports came to my mind - swing, lead the target, squeeze and follow through. Yes, lead the game, lead the game and follow thru………

Everything became slow motions, I aimed ahead of big wild boar, followed and led it for a second, squeeze a round. I felt the recoil but didn't hear anything including the shouting and yelling from Jon and Javier later found in video. The world seemed mute and blank to me at the moment.

Didn't see any dust pop up and boar was still running. Missing it? Aim, lead, squeeze. Re-aim, lead, squeeze, squeeze. Suddenly, big wild boar dropped down. Was it hit? Not sure, don't want to take my chance to see it run again. I squeezed a couple rounds to end its misery.

"You got it, you got it" Jon and Javier shouted in excitement, my hearing was back and time became normal pace again. Don't remember other things Jon and Javier said…….. It's been a long long 10 - 15 seconds between spotting the boars and ceasing fire. It felt like a hour passed by.

When we drove closer to retrieve the downed boar (120-130 Lbs). Jon shouted "the little boar was wounded, yeah, it's wounded….."


Many questions and explanations rushed into my mind. How could that happened? I never noticed the young boar in the scope when firing. Where was it coming from?

"It might be hit by a bullet passing thru the big boar" said Javier, "it's dying and finish it off."

What a lucky and amazing shot!

In this case, one shot 2 boars. Great, I would be charged for 2 boars now. How could I explain over-budget hunting to my wife? Sounds like a makeup story.

I jumped off the buggy with monopod in case the wounded young boar (60-70 lbs) charged on me. I drew the Beretta 9mm and loaded it. Just tried to end its pain as quick as possible. It might take a while for it to bleed out. While I was walking toward the dying young boar, it got up and ran away. Then, it's I who was charging the boar.

I was after the running away boar but it ran fast. I decided to stop chasing, paused and fired at poor boar. Dust popped up from ground, missed the first shot. I raised my eyes to focus on front sight, Bang! It went down.

Jon and Javier were cheering on this second lucky shot. Using pistol to hit a moving animal in reality is not that easy as what TV and movie portray. Jon came by and finished young boar off with his Kimber.

In the end, we were not charged for the young wild boar, which 3rd lucky things happened that day. Thanks a lot to our guide Javier's hospitality. Big wild boar were butchered, pork shoulders, ribs and sirloins were taken home.

Most important of all, we had safe trip, no any accident, safety compromise or hairy moment.

家园 老兄怎么把一篇原创藏在这里?





家园 打野猪的录像


平常去的靶场只有100码的,是在100码用Winchester M193 55 Grain FMJ归零的。担心在120米左右偏低,所以调Hakko 4x scope 的BDC到100-200档。结果证明是有必要的。

其实也准备了5发Remington 55 grain的Soft Point猎弹,但没有用来核对归零点。当时就是担心弹着点不一致,还是用Winchester M193 55 Grain FMJ霸王硬上弓。

当时一阵乱枪,5发Soft Point猎弹打跑动的野猪是不够的,无法跟东湖的精确打击相提并论。事后发现大野猪身中4-5枪,小野猪被腹部带中一枪。大野猪有两处肉眼看得到的出弹口,向导说子弹也许穿过大野猪打中小野猪,

只觉得第一次用步枪打跑动的猎物, 运气太好了,竟然蒙中了。哎,第一次猎打得毫无技术可言 。惭愧!


家园 打野猪的录像


平常去的靶场只有100码的,是在100码用Winchester M193 55 Grain FMJ归零的。担心在120米左右偏低,所以调Hakko 4x scope 的BDC到100-200档。结果证明是有必要的。

其实也准备了5发Remington 55 grain的Soft Point猎弹,但没有用来核对归零点。当时就是担心弹着点不一致,还是用Winchester M193 55 Grain FMJ霸王硬上弓。

当时一阵乱枪,5发Soft Point猎弹打跑动的野猪是不够的,无法跟东湖的精确打击相提并论。事后发现大野猪身中4-5枪,小野猪被腹部带中一枪。大野猪有两处肉眼看得到的出弹口,向导说子弹也许穿过大野猪打中小野猪,

只觉得第一次用步枪打跑动的猎物, 运气太好了,竟然蒙中了。哎,第一次猎打得毫无技术可言 。惭愧!


家园 敢情老兄是战术型的



家园 据说有战术猛男

卖糕的,这是拿猪当靶子过枪瘾吧... 前前后后打了二十五六枪...



不过这种打法似乎危险很大... 想象一下小猪万一跑向四驱车的方向,你再跟在后头举枪狂扫...

家园 不敢当, W博士的装备是影响我的采购方向滴。。。

单脚架是我在Walmart几年前为摄影采购的, 本身带个V头。

这回管大用了,比双脚架出枪快, 适合这种遭遇战情况。


家园 谁谁谁说的俺不打移动目标啦?


家园 冇录像冇真相


家园 那也不中!





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