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主题:【原创】我们留美学生在学校里反藏独(下) -- letitbe
1. 窝里斗,还搞得很公开化。比如是否抵制家乐福,一个说没什么意义,可能导致过激行动,另一个就说你这种说法是污蔑是逃兵云云。其实这个问题我觉得根本无关宏旨,为了这个自己人吵起来,还互相给对方带高帽子,实属不智。自己人都团结不了,还说什么团结一切可以团结的力量呢?
2. 对冒头的藏独或类藏独言论,往往采取简单的鄙视或辱骂来应对。在外人看来,往好里说是狗咬狗,往恶毒里说,就是跟对我们的一些侮辱性描述恰好吻合。
3. 对态度比较客观诚恳的中立美国人,往往过于戒备,对一些批评耿耿于怀,甚至把对方的家丑拎出来,简直是在说自己虽然很丑恶,只是你更丑恶。我个人认为,藏独跟我们是敌我关系,要不留情面坚决打击,过了那段敌我冲突阶段,有中立方来发表意见,就应该很大方的跟他们交流,在不涉及祖国统一的原则问题的前提下,缺点、错误都可以谈,当然藏独方的缺点、错误更可以谈,大大的谈:)与此同时也不妨互相吹捧一下:美国银民是爱国地,反对分裂地,反对暴力、恐怖地。我们中国银民也一样。我们中美银民都是伟大地银民~:P
4. 某些同学,在喊口号、发传单的时候受了友邦人士的奚落、白眼,就开始自我否定自我批评。我觉得值得商榷。我们为什么要打断对方?因为对方掌握着话筒子,我们的声音得不到倾听。在UCLA,藏独连着说几小时,只给我们5分钟时间,这还叫我们妨碍言论自由?要搞言论自由,那就应该公平分配时间辩论吧?为什么不提出类似的正当诉求呢?至于那些对中国学生表示强烈反感的人,有多少是之前没有任何成见,仅仅因为这次行动造成了负面印象的呢?当然,这么说不是回避一些过激行为造成的影响,我上面也提到了对一些同学的不当言行的不满。bottom line,看看友邦媒体都在进行怎样的宣传就知道,友邦人士的普遍心理倾向基本是意料之中的。我感觉很多人对此没有心理准备,才会造成这样的落差。我们中国人如果说有偏颇的话,通常偏的是“温良恭俭让”的方向。记得唵啊吽的一篇文章里就曾介绍过一个观点:当法律本身存在歧视的时候,故意违法其实是推动社会进步的一个方法。黑人民权运动中有很多偏激的地方,包括暴力组织黑豹党。走和平路线的马丁路德金也曾屡屡入狱,这些人的作为在当时社会上“良民”们的眼里,其形象大概不只是不免煮不柿油,更简直要接近罪犯吧?(btw做一下广告,强烈建议在美事业有成的同胞们看看唵啊吽关于华人从政的系列文章)。当然,我们完全不需要也没必要做到那种偏激的程度。我只是觉得,我们不能因为别人对我们有成见就画地为牢,该出手时不敢出手。
I really appreciate you spending the time trying to figure out what is really going on in Tibet and what are the real thoughts of us Chinese scholars and students. Well one thing is for sure: there is no way the one hundred plus people showing up on Monday to protest are all brain-washed. Most of us are from the top universities in China, and for many years we have been easy-going and hard-working colleagues and students with your people here. If we never look fanatic to you, our strong reactions this time would make you wonder whether those separatists are indeed telling the truth, or the whole picture. You may want to stop and listen to us for a while. The opportunity to be heard from. That is all what we asked for.
And trust me the opportunity doesn't come easy. You praised those separatists for giving us equal time to debate. I acknowledge that. Even though we are just students who speak English as second language and gather at the plaza on short notice, while those people are "professionals" in stirring public emotion and have planned for this since a long time ago, it's still nice to have the chance to debate. What you may not know is when they went to UCLA, they learnt from their "mistake" and talked by themselves for hours and only gave our side 5 min for rebuttal. What a clever strategy, taking full advantage of the power of a loudspeaker permit to minimize the exposure time of the opposing party.
Even if we have the equal chance to speak and make our points, the truth could be easily "edited" by the media to show otherwise. I'm sorry if I don't seem to trust the media here too much. Believe me I'm not like this 2 months ago. Given you have paid much attention to this issue, I would not try to bore you with all the fabricated photographs from CNN and many other news stations, since you probably already know this and it's very easy to search. If you have read the report from local news <#####>, you may find this sentence "One man even ripped a poster out of the hands of a woman on the opposing side and threw it to the ground before being escorted away by police." That's indeed the truth, except they forgot to mention the attacker is from their side. Maybe the identity is just too hard for them to find out, or there is no news value. In fact, there is a easy way to find out the objectivity of news stations here: as you said, most people here see Dalai as a nice guy. Actually, correct me if I'm wrong: I'm afraid a majority of people here are also very likely to have the impression that Dalai should have Tibet back and China is doing something wrong, even if they actually know pretty much nothing about what has happened or is happening there. So where did they get the fixed opinion?
In the end, I'd like to say a few more words about our seemingly overheated reactions. We love our country, just as your people love yours. Our country has made mistakes in the past, sometimes big ones. However, that won't affect our affection, and certainly won't be excuses to destroy our unity. Sooner or later, we will correct all the missteps. And we are already doing much better, as you have seen with your own eyes. But does everyone here know? As an obviously over-educated man with a special interest on this issue, you also admit you don't know many of China's policies towards minority people. How much do you think other people in this country know? Or rather, how many good things about China has the US media been telling? If we seem to speak alike and avoid talking about problems, that's only because we cherish our opportunity to be heard too much, and don't want to risk our opinion being distorted by the media. With all due respect, I don't doubt that your people have a sincere concern about China's problems, but we know our problems the best, and we are already improving by ourselves. We certainly would like to let people know more about China, and we welcome advice or criticism, as long as they come with a good will (such as yours. thank you for being objective so far). But any separatist behavior won't be tolerated, no matter whether it's due to ill intention, or lack of knowledge. The 100+ people showing up on Monday, they are originally from various places of China and various social backgrounds. There is a reason for them to make the efforts. To me, that reason is to tell others: Chinese people are working hard towards a better future, and we won't allow anyone or anything to sabotage this course. If we can't get heard by speaking, we have to get heard by shouting. I believe that's also how the black people got their long overdue human rights in US.
P.S. talking about being mean, we are just normal people, and some of us can be bad-tempered, so we certainly may overreacte sometimes, in which case we sincerely apologize. However, as far as I know, the only violent scene on Monday is the one described in the above local news, started by a man in the separatist group.
1.在中国的生活经历,使我经历了中国给藏人的favorable discrimation,事实胜于雄辩.
3.美国媒体说的东西和美国学者说的不一样.例如,Friendly Feuderalism, the Tibet myth by michael parenti
4.让他想一下conflict of interest, given their history, 西藏流亡政府有没有误导的可能.