
主题:【原创】唐宋时的藏王们的后代都哪去了?反ZD的弹药。献丑了 -- 桥上冰封火

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家园 【原创】唐宋时的藏王们的后代都哪去了?反ZD的弹药。献丑了


唐朝那会儿还是松赞干布呢,明显是世俗政权。Epic of King Gesar 虽说号称格撒尔王是受了菩萨的旨意,也没说格撒尔王是菩萨真身啊。怎么一下子到了明清,西藏统制权就被从印度来的喇嘛教窃取了呢?以前的世俗政权呢?

呵呵,可不可以这么演义:“摆明了喇嘛教神权合一的统治是外来政权,摆明了喇嘛们 somehow 残忍地消灭了原生的苯教和世俗政权,然后奴役了西藏人民几百年。” 很有阴谋论的空间啊。


再有藏独同情者问我,我先考他们西藏知识,地理历史的,十有八九答不出来,一二分答出来的也有一堆小辫子好抓。然后我就很 nice, 很 peacefully 地给他普及吐蕃的历史和 King Gesar 的传说。然后就可以从根本上动摇整个喇嘛教的统治依据了。


Descendants of the epic King Gesar, wake up! Brothers and sisters, wake up! Stop being fooled and slaved by Dalai Lama!

Let's revise the history! Ever thought about the question how come the old great kings vanished and the divine throne was stolen by flesh-eating monks from India?!

Free tibet? Indeed! Free Tibet from centuries-long persecution by Dalai Lama and his flesh-eating monks! Brothers and sisters, let's wake up! Let's stop being abused by Dalai Lama to suit his light-phobic hidden agenda!

When we are praying for Dalai Lama, where's him?! When we are fighting for Dalai Lama, where's him?! When we are dying for Dalai Lama, where's him?! It's high time to say enough is enough! His HollySHIT DaLiar Lama, if you are sacrificing youth's blood to buy yourself ticket to enter Nobel Prize party, I'm not surprised! But stop doing that under the name of Buddha! Buddha punish liars!

BTW: To all pro-tibetan ignorant hippy activists, if you have no idea who is King Gesar, then, really, shame on you guys! Stop ignorant insult on China's Tibetan issues without even some basic common sense about Tibetan history!

本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 很不错,送花支持
家园 第一个回复,谢谢支持 :-), ^_^

逻辑的思辨和对历史的了解带给了我们力量,Knowledge and justice bring us superiority!


家园 好主意,又一个新角度
家园 呵呵,说得好,再支持!
家园 花顶


家园 问的好啊。什么时候变成喇嘛掌权了呢??
家园 在youtube上的进一步回复,先放这,别丢了。好不容易打的字呢

在 youtube 上被人评价 “This is the most insane post I have ever read”,呵呵,小哥我厚脸皮地当作赞扬了,以下是回复。先在这儿也放一份啦,好不容易打的字,怕丢了 :-P。

Thanks for reading my post raising the question about the historical legitimacy of Dalai Lama's control over Tibet. I take your comment, "This is the most insane post I have ever read", as quite a compliment. And also thank you for not spitting out dirty words despite we have different opinions. Have to say it's a quality so rarely found on youtube.

You claim yourself as ethnic Chinese in one of your posts. If that's true, then I get another reason to send you this E-mail as its YOUR country's history!

Putting political views aside, I believe we should do some research before we make any comment. I'm really tired of people who know nothing yet shouting out racist insults towards Chinese people regarding to this Tibetan issue. First, I condemn racism in any form, under any excuse. Second, based on what are these ignorant hippies making their judgement?

In my post, my question is simple and sound. How was the native Tibetan secular regime replaced by the foreign (invading?) Dalai Lama's religious sector?

During the Tang and Song Dynasty, there were great Kings like Songzan Ganbu in Tibet. The Tibetan epic of the great King Gesar is also about King. These were all native secular regimes. How and why did these native human kings vanish? How come suddenly it's the "God King" from India ruling over Tibet? What happened during the transition? How come no trace of the native royal families was left? Did they just disappear or actually something really horrible (maybe also covered up?) happened?

I cannot claim myself as an expert on this issue, but at least I'm trying to do some independent research. I fail to see any insaneness in my question and my pursuing of the unbiased answers. It would be far more constructive if you can pin-point which part of my question deserves such high compliment as "the most insane post I have ever read". Would be even more constructive to give some "not so insane" answers (if you can, or can you?).

I'm doing my research by searching through neutral historical records and I do strongly recommend you to do so as well before making a comment.

家园 这个论点不好


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