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简氏防卫周刊Jane's Defence Weekly - January 30, 2008
JF-17 开始生产
航空记者 Gareth Jennings 伦敦电:
JF-17 雷战斗机于1月22 日开始在巴基斯坦航空复合体(PAC)生产。PAC位于伊斯兰堡附近的卡姆拉Kamra。 JF-17是巴基斯坦和中国联合开发的一种轻量级多用途战斗机。它装备克里莫夫RD-93单引擎。这种引擎是RD-33 的发展型。2005 年,Kamra的工厂已经开始制造一些飞机配件。2007年11月巴基斯坦空军宣布, 他们要将JF-17战斗机混合编队,其中一些使用中国造的雷达和导弹,而其它的JF-17将使用法国供应的Thales RC 400 雷达和MBDA 云母空对空导弹。
根据巴基斯坦航空复合体的项目负责官员称: "最终将有200架以上JF-17在巴基斯坦制造, 因此我们考虑一些机队装备中国设备,而其他机队则装备欧洲系统,这样合成一"的一个混合的编组。
巴基斯坦航空复合体和巴基斯坦空军最近进行了原型机的飞行评估,飞机上装的是KLJ-10 雷达。这种雷达是南京电子技术研究所研制的。它装备的SD-10/PL-12主动制导中程空对空导弹导弹由中国国家航空技术进出口公司和中国雷华电子技术研究所研制。
巴基斯坦空军希望减少它的战斗机的数量。它当前装备的几十架达索海市蜃楼战机已经有四十年的机龄。巴基斯坦空军计划使它的战斗机降低到三主要型: CAC J-10s (FC-20),JF-17s 和洛克希德马丁公司F-16s 。
JF-17 production commences
Gareth Jennings Jane's Aviation Reporter London
Production of the JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft started on 22 January at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) at Kamra near Islamabad.
The JF-17 has been developed under a joint Sino-Pakistani venture for a lightweight multirole combat aircraft powered by a single engine - the Klimov RD-93, a derivative of the RD-33. The manufacture of parts for the aircraft began at the PAC Kamra facility in 2005.
In November 2007 the PAF announced that it may operate a mixed fleet of JF-17 fighter aircraft with some using Chinese radars and missiles and others operating French-supplied Thales RC 400 radars and MBDA MICA air-to-air missiles.
According to PAC officials in charge of the programme, "ultimately there
will be over 200 of these aeroplanes built in Pakistan, so we are considering an option for a mixed fleet that would have some squadrons equipped with Chinese equipment and others with these European systems".
PAC and the PAF have recently conducted flight evaluations of prototype aircraft fitted with the KLJ-10 radar built by Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology and the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation/China Leihua Electronic Technology Research Institute SD-10/PL-12 active-homing medium-range air-to-air missile.
Pakistan is hoping to reduce the number of combat aircraft that it operates, which include more than a dozen types of Dassault Mirage, some of which are more than four decades old. It also intends to reduce its fighter inventory to three main types: CAC J-10s - to be designated FC-20 in PAF service -as well as JF-17s and Lockheed Martin F-16s.
2008 Jane's Information Group