
主题:XueLing's post in "【原创】行万里路:在印度的日子" could kill my MS-IE -- raindrops

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家园 XueLing's post in "【原创】行万里路:在印度的日子" could kill my MS-IE

I have tried several times. It does the same thing everytime. (If 版主 think that this complain is at wrong place, please move it to other place, or simply remove it.)


【原创】行万里路:在印度的日子 (风雨声;字:286;阅:341;2003-12-31 13:53:48

I don’t see many tourists in your pictures. Why? (raindrops;字:0;阅:0;2004-01-04 10:58:45

我觉得研究印度的社会政治文化,比起研究美国什么的,对中国.. (dafemren2;字:270;阅:5;2004-01-04 10:33:35

看这类原创真长知识!谢谢。 (裙裾飘飘;字:124;阅:17;2004-01-03 18:29:28

【原创】在印度的日子(4):苦海无边 (风雨声;字:3494;阅:124;2004-01-03 15:24:11

叹息一声,但愿中国不要有象印度那么多的穷人 (玉壶冰心;字:0;阅:0;2004-01-04 10:44:04

有没有去ITU,他们最好的大学?和张图: (杯中酒;字:651;阅:22;2004-01-03 23:01:09

好文章! '借花献佛'一篇以答谢! (XueLing;字:916;阅:28;2004-01-03 22:53:24

家园 好象没有什么问题呀?我试着点开过.
家园 What happened?

我试过,那个链接打开是费时些,其他好像没什么问题呀?您的电脑怎么了? 死机还是其他现象? 要不,让


如果其他朋友也碰到类似情况,请告知。烦劳版主酌情删除那个‘惹祸’的帖! 谢谢!

家园 我这里也没什么问题,就是那个音乐文件半天打不开。
家园 谢谢回复!马上修改!^-^
家园 my MS-IE has a function to send error report to MS

The first time when I clicked the link to your post, the message was displayed, but in few seconds a pump-up window containing info "send error report to MS" jumped out. Then, my MS-IE would automatically closed out and restarted. I could not know what is the error, because MS would not let me read the inside info.

After that, I repeatedly clicked www.cchere.com->文化百家->在印度的日子-> your post subject, and the same thing happened again and again. So, I am sure the problem is repeatable.

The problem may be caused by conflicts between my MS-IE and contents in your post. Similar things happened as some swimmers in CCHERE complained that their MS-IE would be killed, when they sent out their post. This is weird, but not your fault. If I use NETSCAPE, it never die. However, the JAVA program used in CCHERE is not working with NETSCAPE.

BTW, I hate microsoft.

家园 I see. The same problem happened to my MS-IE when

I opened too many windows, especially related to 'mp3' or 'rm', guess that is the conflicts with MS-IE setting.

Just re-open the IE, it will be okay. Sometimes, I have to restart the computer, and the IE will work again.

Don't worry about that! It is not too serious, just a bit time-consuming.

Happy New Year!


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