
主题:【文摘】S Korea cloning success 'faked' -- ct

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    • 【文摘】S Korea cloning expert hits back

      S Korea cloning expert hits back

      Dr Hwang has been hailed as a hero in South Korea

      South Korean cloning expert Hwang Woo-suk has stood by his apparently breakthrough research, despite claims some of the results were fabricated.

      Dr Hwang said his work would be vindicated within 10 days, after stem cells from his study were reassessed.

      But he has asked the journal Science to retract a key research paper, published in June, due to the controversy.

      The cloning pioneer was speaking on Friday, a day after a colleague claimed Dr Hwang had admitted faking some data.

      Even before the latest claim, Dr Hwang was already under fire after admitting ethical lapses in his research.

      The controversy is causing shockwaves in South Korea, where the cloning pioneer is widely considered a national hero.

      After an emergency meeting on Friday in response to the fabrication claims, the government said it would wait to take further action until after an investigation by Seoul National University, where Dr Hwang works.


      Dr Hwang resigned from his main post as head of the World Stem Cell Hub in November, after it emerged that some of the eggs used in his research were donated by his staff - in contravention of international guidelines.

      Hwang Woo-suk successfully cloned a puppy, called Snuppy

      Now it is some of the research itself which is being called into question.

      The latest allegations came from a colleague, Roh Sung-il, who collaborated with Dr Hwang on the landmark research paper, which was published in the magazine Science.

      After visiting Dr Hwang in hospital, where he was being treated for stress, Mr Roh told South Korea's MBC television network that Dr Hwang had admitted fabricating some of his key research results.

      In a press conference on Friday, Dr Hwang acknowledged that some of the stem cells created and referred to in the article had died after being contaminated.

      But he said other cells were now being unfrozen, and would serve to prove the authenticity of his work.

      "Our research team made patient-specific embryonic stem cells and we have the technology to produce them," Dr Hwang said.



      He said he was retracting the paper from Science because of the controversy, but he emphasised that he did not doubt his findings.

      According to Reuters news agency, he said a follow-up paper had been submitted to another journal which would restore faith in his team.


      Dr Hwang's paper claimed to have produced 11 stem cell lines from the skin of people with disease or injuries.

      But Mr Roh said on Thursday that a scientist working in Dr Hwang's laboratory was pressured into doctoring results.

      Dr Hwang said on Friday that he was "shocked" by Mr Roh's remarks. "Our six research members made 11 stem cells and all confirmed this," he said.

      But he admitted that the cells had been badly contaminated by a fungus, and said he planned to ask prosecutors to investigate his suspicion that they may have been tampered with or replaced.

      Research into stem cells is being keenly watched because of its possible benefit to sufferers of illnesses such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

      Stem cells can grow into any type of cell, so researchers hope to harvest them and use them to replace ones that have become worn out or damaged.

      Dr Hwang's other research has not been questioned. He claimed last year to have cloned the world's first human embryos and to have extracted stem cells from them, as well as producing the world's first cloned dog earlier this year.

    • 前几天看新闻说,韩国人因为媒体报道了他的前一桩丑闻



    • 这就叫‘铤而走险’

      这是一起非常典型的学术丑闻,为了抢占科学里的新领地,不择手段,还低估别人的智商。Faking 一旦查实,毫无疑问,Dr. Hwang 的学术生命彻底到头了,没有任何东西可以挽救他。可怜那些跟从他的研究人员了,一场辛苦一场梦。


      • 实在是太招摇,太低估他人智商了


        • 是啊

          不过Dr.Kwang 的这个工作,要是真的不往Science or Nature 上投,也让人起疑。

          话说回来,人体clone这个领域,在欧美跃跃欲试的人海了去了,主要的羁绊还是在道德,伦理等非科学方面,可自己不能搞,可总能挑错呀。这Dr.Kwang 不但不穿防弹衣,反而叼着根烟卷,背着炸药包出门,还专找狙击手,杀人狂多的地儿去招摇,他以为他是谁?

          • 是啊
            阿磕最近有空了, 来些系列原创吧
          • 是啊
            Scientific American反应还真快

            Dr. Hwang Dropped from Scientific American 50 for Faking Research

            With considerable disappointment, the editors of Scientific American are immediately removing Dr. Woo Suk Hwang from his honored position as Research Leader of the Year on the 2005 Scientific American 50 list.

            Dr. Hwang famously announced in Science last June that he and his team at Seoul National University in Korea had cloned human embryonic stem cells from 11 patients. Published accounts appearing this morning, however, report that one of his co-authors, Dr. Sung Il Roh, now says that Dr. Hwang admits that much of the evidence in his Science paper was faked. He further alleges that Dr. Hwang has asked Science to withdraw that paper. Dr. Hwang was not available for comment.

            This admission follows the discovery in recent weeks that some of the experiments conducted in Dr. Hwang's laboratory did not meet the highest standards of ethical practice. Specifically, some women were paid to donate eggs for use in the experiments, and some of the eggs came from junior female researchers working in the laboratory.

            The allegations of ethical misconduct were very troubling, but Scientific American's editors felt it was important to give Dr. Hwang the benefit of the doubt until their veracity could be determined. Even when those charges were borne out, we respected that the ethics of accepted practice in this area of science were still somewhat murky, and we declined to judge him too quickly, although his cover-up of those problems was clearly wrong.

            However, scientific fraud is an unforgivable offense against the enterprise of research, and in this case, it completely invalidates the selection of Dr. Hwang for inclusion in the Scientific American 50.

            Dr. Hwang's deceit misled Scientific American along with the international scientific community. We regret, in writing about his work and awarding him a place among key technology leaders, having unknowingly misinformed readers about his actual accomplishments. We are also deeply concerned about the lasting damage that this fraud may do to the reputation of stem cell research, which we continue to regard as a highly worthy endeavor generally pursued by scientists keeping to a far higher standard of honesty and ethics. --The Editors

    • 看来不只是我们在大跃进啊


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