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      他的捐款人,某族大亨,home depot 和paypal 的两个owner 是背后的主要指使人。这也就是我为什么说某族可能在给米锅下套那。但也不排除哪些人为了某国的利益短视。


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      Trump’s top donors: Where are they now?

      By Megan Janetsky

      January 18, 2018

      President Donald Trump gives his Inaugural Address(Photo by Samuel Corum/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

      One year ago, President Donald Trump’s inauguration broke records – not in turnout, but in inaugural donations.

      Trump pulled in $107 million in individual contributions, nearly doubling President Barack Obama’s 2009 record of $53 million. With the donations came a set of perks for top donors – “intimate” dinners with Vice President Mike Pence; exclusive luncheons with Cabinet appointees and congressional leaders; tickets to inaugural balls, dinners and luncheons with appearances by Trump.

      The money came flooding in from corporate executives, owners of U.S. sports teams and other wealthy benefactors. And this year, some came calling back.

      The Center for Responsive Politics assessed Trump’s relationships with his top donors a year after the January 20, 2017 inauguration. Some now hold ambassador positions while others have developed close relationships with the administration.

      Inaugural donors

      The Adelsons (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

      Chief among the top donors was Sheldon Adelson, a GOP megadonor and CEO of the largest casino company in the United States, Las Vegas Sands Corp. He doled out $5 million for Trump’s inauguration fund.

      The donation was not only Trump’s largest inaugural contribution, but the largest individual donation made to any presidential inaugural committee. He and his wife, Miriam Adelson, also donated nearly $83 million to Republicans in the 2016 election.

      In the past year Adelson has pressed Trump to follow through on his campaign pledge to relocate the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a move Trump announced in December.

      “The Adelsons reportedly have been disappointed in Trump’s failure to keep a campaign pledge to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem on his first day in office,” wrote the Las Vegas Review-Journal after Adelson’s October meeting with Trump. The paper is owned by the Adelson family.

      (Home Depot CEO Bernie Marcus, who donated $7 million to Trump’s campaign effort but was not an inaugural donor, also has a vested interest in the region as founder of the Israel Democracy Institute).

      But he is not the only inaugural donor who may have turned his contribution into special access to the administration.

      In April, coal baron Robert Murray, who donated $300,000 to the inauguration, gave Trump a detailed to-do list of environmental rollbacks, according to The New York Times. Since then, the administration is on track to check off most of Murray’s wish list.

      The son of R.W. Habboush, a Venezuelan lobbyist who donated $666,000 to the inauguration, sat in on meetings about sanctions on Venezuela.

      In the past year, a series of Trump donors or their close relatives have also been appointed U.S. ambassadors.

      Notable among them is Robert Wood Johnson, the owner of the New York Jets. Johnson donated $1 million to the inauguration. In August, he was sworn in as the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom.

      Joseph Craft III, president and CEO of Alliance Resource Partners, was another million-dollar donor to the inaugural committee. His wife, Kelly Knight Craft, was sworn in as the U.S. ambassador to Canada in September.

      Doug Manchester, owner of Manchester Financial Group and another $1 million inaugural donor, was nominated for a position as the U.S. ambassador to the Bahamas in May. Manchester is now awaiting a re-nomination from Trump because of a Senate rule.

      Campaign donors

      Many of the top inaugural donors also donated millions in support of Trump’s presidential campaign.

      Trump’s top campaign donor, Robert Mercer, the billionaire co-CEO of the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, poured more than $15 million into outside groups to get Trump elected. Mercer also donated $1 million to the Trump inaugural committee. PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel donated $1 million to Trump’s campaign efforts and $100,000 to the inauguration.

      Each were top campaign donors and each held close relationships to the administration.

      Of the more than $400 million raised to elect Trump, about $50 million was raised by Trump’s top 13 contributors (below) – many of whom have found themselves in the Trump administration’s inner circle.

      DonorsOrganizationTotalCampaignOutside Groups

      Mercer, Robert L. & DianaRenaissance Technologies$15,510,800$10,800$15,500,000

      Marcus, Bernard & Billi WilmaBernard Marcus Family Foundation$7,000,000$0$7,000,000

      McMahon, Linda & VincentMcMahon Ventures$6,002,700$2,700$6,000,000

      Palmer, Geoff & AnneGH Palmer AssociateS$5,005,400$5,400$5,000,000

      Perlmutter, Isaac & LauraMarvel Entertainment$5,005,400$5,400$5,000,000

      Beal, Andrew & SimonaBeal Bank$2,105,400$5,400$2,100,000

      Cameron, Ronald & NinaMountaire Corp.$2,013,500$13,500$2,000,000

      McNair, Robert & JaniceHouston Texans$2,010,800$10,800$2,000,000

      Feinberg, Stephen & GisellaCerberus Capital Management$1,485,800$10,800$1,475,000

      Zieve, Peter & MariaElectroimpact Inc$1,003,027$3,027$1,000,000

      Thiel, PeterThiel Capital$1,002,700$2,700$1,000,000

      Moskowitz, Irving & ChernaHawaiian Gardens Casino$1,000,000$0$1,000,000

      Buckley, Walter & MarjorieBuckley Muething Capital Management$1,000,000$0$1,000,000

      Some like Linda McMahon, owner of McMahon Ventures and co-founder of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) empire, donated over $6 million to getting Trump elected. Much of that was donated to Trump-aligned super PACs, such as Future45 and Rebuilding America Now.

      McMahon was later appointed administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration.

      In 2009, Dallas banker Andrew Beal, who donated $2.1 million toward Trump’s presidential bid and $1 million for the inauguration, worked with Carl Ichan in an attempt to take control of the bankrupt Trump Entertainment Resorts Inc. Ichan served as an advisor in the early months of the administration until he resigned ahead of a story detailing potential conflicts of interest.

      Others toted close relationships to the administration like Stephen Feinburg, who donated $1.5 million to campaign efforts and had a close military ear in the Trump administration. That was before ex-White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon’s departure from the administration.

      Steve Bannon (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

      Many of Trump’s top donors have stepped into the political spotlight in the wake of Trump and Bannon’s public feud.

      Contributors like Feinburg, Thiel and Marcus – Trump’s second largest campaign donor – held close relationships to Bannon.

      Some of them, such as GOP megadonors Adelson and the Mercer family, have since distanced themselves from Bannon in support of Trump. Rebekah Mercer, the billionaire daughter of Robert Mercer who runs the family business, severed ties with Bannon in a January statement to The Washington Post.

      “I support President Trump and the platform upon which he was elected,” Rebekah Mercer said. “My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months and have provided no financial support to his political agenda, nor do we support his recent actions and statements.”

      Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics.

      For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center: [email protected]

      About The Author


      Megan Janetsky is a reporting intern at CRP for Spring 2018. She's a journalism senior at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in Phoenix, Arizona and will graduate in May. Her work has been featured by USA Today, Think Progress, Huffington Post, BBC World Service, POLITICO, The Arizona Republic and more. In her years of reporting she’s focused heavily on the border/immigration, politics and international relations.

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      • 家园 我看撕毁伊核协议还是川蝗自己的主意










        • 家园 我瞎猜一下

          你的这个结论是受那篇关于床铺和O8的私人恩怨文章影响吧? 那篇文章有明显的要贬低床铺的意识,我不否认那篇文章的推论合理性,但我却不完全相信在伊朗问题床铺弱智到那个程度。首先O8当年搞伊核协议时,是受到以色列强烈反对的,从此以后以色列对O8政府一直不感冒。其次从伊朗打下米锅的战略无人机后,床铺制止了霉菌的报复行为,这个行动的本身就是表明他一贯的行为方式,他就是一个商人,一切以"钱"为考虑中心点。他没有利益这个更为广泛意义的概念。他撕毁伊核协议因为有金主给了他钱,让他这么干。他不发动报复战争是因为以前他也说了,不想乱花钱。他讹诈中国也是为了钱,讹诈其它盟国也是为了钱,他眼中的中心点就是钱。直到最近他的政府才能够刚刚比较独立的执行合纵连横盟国搞中国的新疆问题,但那不是他的智力范围之内的东西,弄不好中国一个钱推磨就把他的政府搞的这个东西给磨灭了。

          所以我认为钱是一个最主要的原因,那个08情节很可能就是一个次要原因,现在被放大,也有相当一部分是某族对他不满意的原因 ,因为他这么干下去会点起米锅里的白人至上主义的燃油的。我都想推测如果没有他女儿的婚姻,他可能更为依靠"搬弄"(steve banon)那些人。

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