
主题:【文摘】爱情是无法重复的 -- XueLing

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        • 家园 荒唐的教条,谁在乎好文章是谁写的?


          • 家园 Re:【文摘】爱情是无法重复的

            Hi, Tea Doctor,

            Sorry for the late response.

            It does not matter whether it is marked "Jing" or not. Only if people like it and get some idea from the article, I have been well rewarded.

            Different persons have different perspective: some one like, some one do not. That is natural.

            I am sorry that I do not have enough time to write something for cchere, and hope I could dedicate some in the future.

            Really like the place: people are so nice, considerate, and well-educated.


          • 家园 主要是标准不同:


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