
主题:【编辑】美洲经济周报0629 -- 南方有嘉木

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    • 家园 很喜欢你的经济周报,盼继续。
    • 家园 【整理】关于石油贸易人民币结算的一点资料:



      1. 2012年6月“亚太石油贸易国际会议”上中国银行总行金融总部产品总监姜煦的发言:




      2. 2010年8月,中国与委内瑞拉签订了总额高达206亿美元的“贷款换石油”协议,贷款方为国开行。该报告认为这项交易是国开行迄今为止最大的一笔海外放贷业务。据该报告披露,国开行、委内瑞拉经济和社会发展银行(BANDES)、中联油(Chinaoil)和委内瑞拉国家石油公司(PDVSA)当时签署了三项协议:国开行向BANDES贷款100亿美元,依据英国法律进行管理;国开行向BANDES贷款700亿元人民币(约为106亿美元),依据中国法律进行管理;PDVSA和中联油签订石油供应合同,依据委内瑞拉法律进行管理。



      3. 尽管目前国际石油市场以美元计价,但伊朗政府早在05年就通知其石油购买者以其他主要货币进行结算。现在伊朗石油贸易的主要结算货币是欧元。

      人民网有篇旧闻可以参考:《伊朗建国际石油交易所以欧元结算 美加速动武》


      4. 2011年,中国进口原油25378万吨,总额1966.64亿美元,占全国进口额的11.28%。原油出口252万吨,总额19.07亿美元,占全国出口额的0.10%。

      关键词(Tags): #经济周报通宝推:zen,猪啊猪,桥上,黄河清,李根,曾自洲,
      • 家园 当美国不再进口石油时




      • 家园 尼克松真厉害
        • 家园 主要的推手应该是基辛格,




          Cost, abuse and danger of the dollar(节选):

          To keep the permanent demand for dollars going, oil sales must remain in dollars. That is why the US tries to keep as much influence as possible, as well on the US owned IPE and NYMEX world oil markets, as with the locals in power. By doing so the US secures its oil supply at the same time. Beyond that, lucrative contracts can be obtained from the local power, with which a maximum of benefits can be seized from the oil production.

          But when the locals in power do not want to sell their oil in dollars anymore, the US has a problem. Then, the US-president will not explain how dependent the US is on the dollar demand. The conflict is always camouflaged. And to do so, always an emotional theme is choosen. In times gone by this was the danger for communists, today it is the danger for terrorists, fundamentalists and other popular bogies, like “the enemy has weapons of mass destruction” or “the enemy tries to make nukes.”

          The fact that there is, rationally, not a single proof, does not matter. The emotions always win. Even the fact, that these accusations can be turned around and then can be proved, is noticed by hardly anyone. The US has weapons of mass destruction and has used them; the US has nukes and has used them, and even threatened with them still in 2000.

          But once again, at the moment accusations are loaded with emotions humans switch off their intelligence. Reason is no argument for peace anymore. The theater is only about the launched accusations. And because, as a result, only specialists of weapons of mass destruction or nukes are called upon to give their opinion, nearly nobody finds out what the conflict is really about.


          In Venezuela, since many years, the US tries to pull down president Chavez, pretexting he is a dangerous communist. Chavez has nationalized the oil industry and has set up Barter-deals to export Venezuelean oil in exchange for medical care from Cuba and others. In Barter deals there is no necessity for dollars and the US has no profit from the oil trade.


          Until 1990 the US maintained lucrative commercial contacts with Saddam Hussein. He was a good ally. For instance, in 1980 he had tried to free the hostages at the US-embassy in Teheran.

          But in 1989 Saddam accused Kuwait of flooding the oil market and making the oil price go down. The following year Saddam tried to annex Kuwait. It led to an immediate turn around of the attitude of the US. With the annexation Saddam would dispose of 20 percent of world oil reserves. The Iraqis were chased out of Kuwait by the US, with an alliance of 134 countries, and condemned to water and bread by a UN-embargo that lasted ten years.

          Although the US sought a way to re-establish its influence in Iraq, Saddam’s switch to the euro on November 6, 2000, would lead to the US invasion. The dollar sank away and in July 2002 the situation got that serious, that the IMF warned that the dollar might collapse. A few days later the plans for an attack were discussed at Downing Street. One month later Cheney proclamed it was sure now, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. With this pretext the US invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003. The US switched back the oil trade into dollars on June 5, 2003.

          There is a huge difference between trading Iraqi oil in euros and trading it in dollars.


          The US is in conflict with Iran, since it was thrown out of the country in 1979. According to the US, Iran is a dangerous country of fundamentalists.

          The geographical position of Iran, between the Caspian Sea and the Indian Ocean, complicates US ambitions to control the rich reserves of oil and gas on the East side of the Caspian Sea. To transport this oil and gas to world markets without crossing neither Russia, nor Iran, pipelines had to be built through Afghanistan. Plans were made in the early nineties, but the pipelines are still not there. Meanwhile the US tries to frustrate all competing projects of other countries.

          Of course, this led to multiple conflicts of interest with Iran. George W. Bush would pretext the presence of Osama bin Laden to start a war against Afghanistan.

          In 1999 Iran publicly stated it wanted to accept euros for its oil as well. Iran sells 30 % of its oil production to Europe, the rest mainly to India an China and not a drip to the US, as a result of an embargo established by the US itself. In spite of Bush’ threatening tale, mentioning the country in his famous “axis of evil”, Iran started to sell its oil in euros from spring 2003.

          After that, Iran wanted to establish its own oil-bourse, independent from the IPE and NYMEX. It would start on 20 March 2006. Considering the very weak health of the dollar at that time, a success of this bourse could have led to a catastrophe for the dollar and thus for the US. That is why tensions were very high at the beginning of 2006.

          Finally the opening of the oil-bourse was postponed. After that Putin established an oil bourse in Russia as quickly as possible, which took away the interest of the Iranian oil bourse.

          The US accuses Iran of wanting to make nukes. This is not new. Iran and other Arabic countries feel threatened by the nuclear arsenal of Israel, that is not a member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. In 1981 Israel has bombed the nearly completed power plant in Osirak, in Iraq. Since, several Arab countries consider to get nuclear arms to counter the Israelian threat.

          It may seem strange, that a country disposing of oil, wants nuclear energy. Iran exports oil, but imports refined oil products. These are needed for lighting, heating, transport and industry of its growing population. For many Iranians the real price of these products would be too high. That is why they are sold cheap, with losses for the Iranian treasury. The switch to electricity should provide affordable energy for the whole country. Iran needs the revenues from its oil exports to finance the import of many other products it needs. That is the reason why Iran does not refine and consume its oil itself.

          The bombing of power plants remain an interesting objective for the adversaries of Iran. If Iran cannot dispose of nuclear energy, it would have to decide to consume its oil, instead of selling it in euros. Lately, the chief of the IAEA, ElBaradei, warned the adversaries not to attack the Iranian facilities.

          Further more, the IAEA and the US have conceived a masterly plan to take possession of the world market for nuclear fuel, in concert with a few other countries. They are using Iran as a pretext and a test. With this plan the demand for dollars would be secured for a long time, even after the oil age.


          Since 8 June 2006 Russia too has turned its back to the dollar. By selling the dollar surpluses to central banks, Putin took care that it had no influence on the dollar rate. However, the basis for the world wide dollar demand has decreased a lot. The US needs Russia for its plans to take possession of the world market for nuclear fuel, so a revenge by the US is unlikely.

          ----Cost, abuse and danger of the dollar

          By Rudo de Ruijter,

          Independent Researcher



          关键词(Tags): #经济周报
          • 家园 也不用太高看美国




      • 家园 第六点中全国进出口额读起来很怪


    • 家园 【整理】美洲经济周报0917

      一. 美国

      1. 9月17日,美纽约联储数据显示,9月纽约联储制造业指数意外大幅下滑至-10.41,创近三年半低位。

      2. 9月15日,《纽约时报》:美国彻查银行业洗钱漏洞。调查由财政部下属的货币监理局、司法部和曼哈顿地区检察官办公室等机构协同发起,对象包括摩根大通银行、美国银行等多家美国主要金融机构。

      3. 9月15日,美联储QE3推动大宗商品价格上涨:






      4. 9月15日,路透调查预估中值显示,美联储根据9月14日公布的QE3计划将购买共计6,000亿美元债券,而且要等到美国失业率降至7%才会停止该项计划。

      5. 9月14日,随着美联储公布QE3,美元指数跌破79点。

      6. 9月14日,美联储季度流动资金报告显示,截止3月31日,美国企业共持有支票和储蓄存款达9310亿美元,创下历来最高。

      7. 9月14日,美联储联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)在长达两天会议后宣布将0-0.25%的超低利率期限延长到2015年中,15日开始推出进一步量化宽松政策(QE3),每月采购400亿美元抵押贷款支持证券(MBS),并维持现有扭曲操作(OT)不变。

      8. 9月14日,美国劳工部数据:8月的生产者价格指数(PPI)环比增长1.7%。

      9. 9月13日,芝加哥商品交易所(CME)宣布,将在今年四季度推出可交收离岸人民币期货,最长合约期限达三年,,除了10万美元的标准合约外,CME同时还准备推出1万美元的电子微型合约,期货合约的实物交割将在香港进行。

      10. 9月12日,EIA数据,9月8日当周EIA原油库存增加199.4万桶。

      二. 欧洲等

      1. 9月17日,欧盟统计局数据显示,欧元区7月份外贸顺差由去年同期的21亿欧元升至156亿欧元,显示欧盟外贸形势有所好转。

      2. 9月4日,国际劳工组织在日内瓦发布的《全球就业概览:青年就业市场前景暗淡》报告称,欧元区经济下行的影响已扩散到一些新兴经济体上,早已不容乐观的全球青年就业形势将因此雪上加霜。其中东亚地区青年失业率将从今年的9.5%增至2017年的10.4%。“到2017年,全球青年失业率将从今年的12.7%略增至12.9%。”上述报告的作者埃克哈德恩斯特指出,发达经济体青年失业率将从今年的17.5%降至15.6%。发达经济体青年失业率的缓慢回落并非来自就业市场复苏,而是由于相当一部分年轻人自动选择不工作,这部分年轻人不被纳入失业青年统计范畴。为此,国际劳工组织呼吁各国政府在制定宏观经济政策时优先发展能够带动更多就业,特别是体面就业的领域,采取能够抵御周期性经济危机的措施、提振消费的干预手段,出台能够大量容纳就业的公共领域基础设施建设计划,帮助年轻人就业。

      三. 拉美和其他

      1. 9月17日,印度央行宣布维持基准利率8%不变,但将银行现金存款准备金率下调25基点至4.5%,预计可为银行体系注入1700亿卢比。

      2. 9月14日,巴西政府在美联储公布QE3之后立即推出新一轮经济刺激措施,包括延长税收优惠政策以及降低购买资本品的费用标准。

      四. 油气

      1. 美国宣布11国免受有关进口伊朗石油制裁。






      关键词(Tags): #经济周报通宝推:切地雷,
    • 家园 感谢嘉木的义务劳动。好消息总能让人开心点的。:)



      "9. 专家称美国2035年前或彻底摆脱对中东石油依赖


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