
主题:湖南景点翻译求教 -- chinyichen

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  • 湖南景点翻译求教




    Chaotianguan (Heavenward Taoist Temple) is a cultural heritage in the south of Zhanjiajie. This temple was built on the top of a vertical precipice with its back against a hill and its frontage as well as two sides all close to the edge of precipitous cliff. It gives visitors a feeling that they will become an immortal of Taoist. In old time, Chaotianguan was a grand Taoist temple with constant worshiping and praying incense. This Taoist temple was first built in Emperor Ming years of Hang Dynasty, and composed to 15 huge palaces including Scripture-stored Palace, Living Room, and Guanyin Hall. There are also 48 small rooms. In the past, Zhengwu Bodhisattva was also worshiped here, and the local inhabitants would came here to worship the god and pray for rain in every 6th July and 9th September.

    关键词(Tags): #求教#翻译#朝天观
    • 我的建议


      1 不用this,用the

      2.composed to 应是of

      3.First built in Emperor Ming years of Hang Dynasty, the temple is composed of 15 huge palaces including Scripture-stored Palace, Living Room, and Guanyin Hall



    • 2.黄石寨介绍翻译求教


      Huangshi Village, located in Wulingyuan National Park, Zhangjiajie City, is one of the five national best tourist routes.


      It has been said that the spectacle here is miraculous and fantastic wherever you see. Each rock peak here is an ancient work of art. With the appearance of sword, needle, Chinese dragon and turtle’s head, they neighbors to each other as the numerous skyscrapers in a modern metropolis.

      黄石寨海拔1200米,占地面积250亩,为张家界森林公园最大、 最集中的观景台,主要观景点有20余处,故有“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”之说。有南北两条步行登寨游道,还有后山车道自老磨湾通通寨后卡门,系砂石路面;从南面登寨,沿途有天书宝匣、定海神针、南天门、南天一柱、摘星台、天桥遗墩、六奇阁等绝佳景点。

      With the altitude of 1,200 meter, the 250 acre Huangshi Village is the largest and most intensive spectacle viewing one of the 20 sight-seeing platforms in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. This is why it has been said that it is no avail of your trip to Zhangjiajie, unless you come to the summit of Huangshi Village. There are north and south routes for hiking up to this village, and also a driveway from Laomo Bay to the back gate which is gravel surface for trucks. Along the south route there are many graceful and magnificent scenes, such as Treasure Case of Heavenly Books, the Magic Sea-suppressing Needle, Southern Gate to Heaven, the Southern Pillar of Heaven, Star Picking Pillar, the Ruin Pier of Heaven Bridge, the Six Mysteries Pavilion and so on.

      关键词(Tags): #黄石寨 介绍 翻译
    • 几个建议

      “immortal of Taoist”应该是“immortal of Taoism”或“Taoist immortal”

      香火不断可以翻成with constant worshipping activities

      经殿:scripture archive

      客堂:guest quarters


      15 huge palaces -> 15 large chambers

      • 道教里的也称菩萨

        或者说观音会出现在道观里,我想,这可能更好地说明了中国人对宗教兼容并蓄,实用为先的处理方式。不管你是哪个教的,只要是仙,都可以称菩萨,这样称呼的人多了,道士们纠正不过来,只好也默认了。至于有观音殿,我认为主要原因是当地是山区,真的风水宝地,适应修庙修观的并不多。也不方便,而观音又是百姓们必拜的仙人。道观里修个观音殿,一是满足当地人的需要,二来,也是为了让道观能香火更旺点吧,毕竟,如果人们来拜观音的话,一般也会拜拜真人吧。当然,这只是我的推测。不过,这种庙里有观,观里有庙的现象,湖南还真的不只那一处,岳麓山上的云麓宫, 也是这样一个观庙的混合体。

    • 总体不错,也补充几点建议

      除了前面提及的农历月份的翻译,汉明帝可能直接公元记年更容易理解?the local inhabitants似乎不应专指,去掉the更好些。


      真武 -> Zhenwu

      composed to -> composed of

      • 谢谢捉虫


    • 我也不是专业人士,提点小意见


      这个应该是农历,直接翻译成 6th July and 9th September,就是公历了,似乎不妥,我认为可以说明一下是中国农历好了


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