
主题:凑英语诗一首,精卫填海 -- 酥油茶

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  • 凑英语诗一首,精卫填海

    Jing-wey was her name,

    The little princess of the great king;

    Her cheeks were as pink as cheery,

    Eyes were as deep as the sea;

    The flowers would blossom whenever she smiled,

    But it was as rare as one saw the stars dropped,

    From the sky of darkness and stillness where gods stay;

    Solemn and pride,

    As an ancient princess should be;

    Representing the brilliance of human kind,

    And the holy power of SKY endowed on the king;

    It was great burden, really;

    At times so heavy she might enjoy some kind of escape;

    A retreat unto the sea might be good,

    For one afternoon in the countless time to spend;

    So the little girl went to boating in the great sea;

    In the idleness of sunshine she enjoyed the cuddling of the tides ;

    Like the mother ocean is touching her gently with loving fingers;

    But the storm came in,

    The loving mother turned into a monster of frenzy;

    Her little boat was ripped up and tossed over,

    like a hopeless shrimp in the giant mouth of a grouper;

    The little girl went out to the sea,

    And lost herself in the midst of a storm;

    But her pride and beauty would forever remain,

    Together with her roaring spirit,

    Which instilled into the body of a bird;

    She is constantly calling to herself:

    Jing-Wey! Jing-Wey!

    And always carrying a twig or a rock,

    To drop them into the sea;

    For revenge she swears,

    She would do this non-stop until the sea is changed into land,

    The storm would never come.

    Her callings will remain,

    As long as her beauty and pride, Joy and hatred stay;

    In the heart of the people,

    Who remember her name.

    • 哈哈哈 鹰文!!~!!








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