
主题:欧洲讨饭记1 -- parishg

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        • 家园 agree

          buy what they own in Africa first, 2nd choice is South America, where China has some kind of influence and therefore some kind of protection.

          Fortune without power to protect is nothing in chaos time.

          And buy those they refused to sell before, that is probably good things.

        • 家园 教授还是我们这国的

          “China's response should be very simple: push Europe from 2nd class of countries into 4th class of countries and step on their throat to progress to be 2nd class of country; let them kill and fight each other.”

          • 家园 I do not take stand, that's

            just what America did.

            Any rational national leader, who still cares about his own nation's benefits and power, will make that rational choice.

            Chinese do not need Europe's slowly-collapsing import demand for their economic growth.Domestic chinese do have economic demand for better life and improving living standards. THERE ARE DEMANDS THERE, JUST UNDER THEIR ASS.

            It is the largest joke in the world that a nation with the largest population and one of the largest income disparity on the earth, look for "demand" from those hypocritical European nations, which are at least 7,000 miles away.

            Wen gave too much bullshit these days. He can just shut up and watch the Euroland slowly collapsing among all the internal stabbing and quarrel.

            CHINA DOES NOT NEED EU TO ACKNOWLEDGE ITS MARKET ECONOMY STATUS BECAUSE first China is not an market economy, and second,there will be no Euroland/EU very soon... Wen is now just like requesting a big favor from USSR in 1988...

            Really stupid and mindless.

      • 家园 交易嘛,想要事业技术股份就得搭配点债券什么的


    • 家园 zt. Italy, 粪坑里的石头

      2nd last paragraph. 据本週一英国《金融时报》报道,意大利财政部长雷蒙蒂与中投董事长楼继伟率领的代表团上周在罗马会谈,希望中国能购入大量意大利国债。该报道透露,中国现持有760亿欧元意大利国债,约占国债总量的4%。



    • 家园 哈哈,人家是讨饭吗?



      • 家园 do you understand what I

        really mean?

        What's the meaning of "sweetdaddy"?

        西方都在加印钞票, that's M0. but Western European banking system is deleveraging with a slowly collapsing M2 and M3. When it comes to banking, to be frank, only three people on this forum know more than I do.

        UNFORTUNATELY, you are not one of them.

    • 家园 希腊呢?
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