
主题:【原创】方舟子与转基因的安全 -- 花大熊

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    • 家园 在十几亿人的主食上没有长期测试大规模转基因就是不负责任

      我不反对小范围的非主食上面转基因,找个南瓜什么的,而且标签,信者吃,不信者不吃, 让市场选择。



      • 家园 我发现你掌握一些材料,但对材料有加工,偷换了一些概念










      • 家园 这本身就是在测试,比一比那些西方药厂把实验都搬到中国


    • 家园 蒙山都、都彭在FDA, USDA出任的高层非完全名单

      # Josh King, former director of production for White house events, is now the director of global communication in Monsanto's Washington, D.C. Office.

      # Clayton K. Yeutter, former Secretary of the USDA, former U.S. Trade representative who led U.S. negotiations in the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement and helped launch the Uruguay round of the GATT negotiations, is now a member of the board of directors of Mycogen, whose majority owner is Dow. (Mycogen is also the corporation that holds the patent on a technology to genetically alter plants to produce and deliver "edible vaccines.")

      # Marcia Hale, in early May, 1997, from asst. to the President of the United States for intergovernmental affairs to senior official with Monsanto Co. to coordinate public affairs and corporate strategy in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

      # L. Val Giddings, in mid-May, 1997, from biotechnology regulator at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA/APHIS) to vice president of the Biotechnology Industry Organization

      # Terry Medley, former admisistrator of the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Serve, former chair and vice-chair of the USDA Biotechnology Council, and former member of the FDA Food Advisory Committee, is now presiding as the director of regulatory and external affairs of Dupont's agriculture enterprise.

      # Micky Kantor, former Secretary of the US Dept. of Commerce and former US Trade Representative, is now a member of the board of directors of Monsanto.

      # Jack Watson, ex chief of staff to the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, now a staff lawyer with Monsanto in Washington, D.C.

      # Linda J. Fisher, a former Assiatnat Administrator of the EPA is now Vice-President of Public Affairs for Monsanto.

      # William D. Ruckelshaus, the former chief administrator of the US EPA is now (and for the past 12 years) a member of the board of directors of Monsanto.

      # Donald Rumsfeld, ex- Sec. of Defense - ex Pres of Searle Pharmaceuticals, owned by Monsanto

      # Lidia Watrud, a former microbial biotechnology researcher at Monsanto, is now with the US EPA.

      # Margaret Miller, a former laboratory supervisor for Monsanto, is now Deputy Director of Human Food Safety and Consultative Services in the US FDA.

      #John L. Henshaw, Asst. Sec. of Labor for OSHA - A 20-year veteran of Monsanto

      # Ann Veneman, Sec. of Agriculture - Bd. of Dir. Calgene Pharmaceuticals, owned by Monsanto

      # Michael A. Friedman, M.D, ex acting commissioner of the FDA Dept. of Health & Human Services, now senior V.P. for clinical affairs at G. D. Searle & Co., a pharmaceutical division of Monsanto.

      # Michael R. Taylor, a former top executive (VP Public Policy), attorney and lobbyist with Monsanto and has had prior positions with law firms,was appointed Deputy Commissioner for Foods at the FDA in 2010.

      • 家园 蒙山都CEO Hugh Grant承认自己也吃有机


        哈哈哈,转基因门徒们,给人卖了还帮人数钱。他虽然没说买多少,我敢写保单他几乎只吃有机。他既然作为转基因种子公司,应该只吃转基因、普通农产品才对啊,特别要多喝他们的rBGH激素牛奶,多吃他们产的aspartame, 这样才是个好带头的呀。

        • 家园 这个好比人家说自己游泳好 你就跳脚 说你走路干啥啊


          蒙山都CEO Hugh Grant承认自己也吃有机 [ laozhong ] 于:2011-08-12 22:39:52 复:3532432


          哈哈哈,转基因门徒们,给人卖了还帮人数钱。他虽然没说买多少,我敢写保单他几乎只吃有机。他既然作为转基因种子公司,应该只吃转基因、普通农产品才对啊,特别要多喝他们的rBGH激素牛奶,多吃他们产的aspartame, 这样才是个好带头的呀。



      • 家园 旋转门
        • 家园 最好笑就是有些人,平时最喜欢批评美国腐败

          现在我举出美国腐败的实例,说明FDA, USDA在转基因上的测试、监察完全是个笑话,这些人又不跳出来了。

          • 家园 关于美国的药物管制及FDA,




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