
主题:美国国债和中国外储的实质 -- SkyWalkerJ

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    • 家园 钱毛了人类怎么办?


    • 家园 大家一起来学 xi

      summary of key points. Skywalker is a true banker, unlike Song Hongbing, the rogue self-claimed financier.


      --on the balance sheet, left is silver asset, the right side is "currency outstanding". Perfectly balanced. Silver is called "monetarization base".


      --that's why British empire spent all efforts to defend its control over South Africa. Control over SA means the control of the most important gold supply and the CONTINUOUS EXPANSION of the trading and economic order inside the British empire.

      IF GOLD SUPPLY DRIES UP, THERE WILL BE GLOBAL credit CONTRACTION and then real economic activity contraction.

      --because human beings are selfish, stupid, and money-oriented. They work hard only because they want to earn money for a living and saving. **You can NOT maintain a global economic order by 主义 bullshit.


      --no. Gold and silver helps for CREDIT EXPANSION. Gold itself will not stimulate industrialization. Keep in mind, Spain was once "rich" with stolen gold from the New World, but it failed in industrialization.

      Gold reserve might stablize financial order, but it can not kill inflation or create physical wealth.


      --Y. Thumbs up!!


      --yes. Gold is too limited. GDP expanded too much.


      --the stupid Vietnam war just fastened the death of a FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED SYSTEM.


      --YES! they are truly WISE-MEN. At that time, treasury notes were truly the BEST base for monetarization. It actually started in 1930s.



      --perfectly true. 外汇储备 is the source of CREDIT EXPANSION IN China in the last 15 years. Why people do not trust RMB itself? Because all human beings, esp., average Chinese are selfish, short-sighted, economic animals. Only RELIABLE money, or "a TRUSTWORTHY paper mirage", can create incentive for hard work.

      Chinese have tried to use 毛泽东思想 to stir people to work hard. It failed spectacularly in Big Leap(59-62) and the Cultural Revolution.

      BTW, nothing bad against Chinese. Actually all human beings are selfish and short-sighted. And they chase SOLIDER MONEY OVER SOFTER MONEY, just like what Europeans are DOING NOW between Swiss Franc and god-damned Euro.

      In sum, we need money as incentive and THEY SHOULD BE TRUSTWORTHY for selfish human beings.


      -Yes. With USD as the effective global reserve money. USA trade deficit is THE SOURCE OF global credit expansion.


      --And China opens up global market(supply and demand) with its enormous USD hoard.


      --“债务货币”这个系统的基石 first appeared briefly in Venice. So it was not an innovation in the last 30 years.

      -- Europe is heading for doom due to exactly that reason.

      Euroland is experiencing a painful credit contraction due to 动摇了“债务货币”这个系统的基石. Hehe. Just watch for fun.

      那么过去一直依赖债务扩张的货币扩张很可能就要划上句号。任何缩减美国(actually ANY nation's national debt)国债的过程,都等价于货币消灭,必然带来通货紧缩的压力。而资本主义制度下的通缩就等于萧条。

      --reduction of Japan's debt=Japan credit contraction ONLY IN ONE NATION.

      --reduction of Euroland/USA national debt = GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY REDUCTION and global credit contraction.

      FINAL comment: given the fundamental flaw in this treasury-note-based system (LOSS of fiscal discipline in the reserve currency nation), shall we switch back to gold standard (it naturally implies economic contraction/credit contraction, high unemployment, international trade disruption and FINALLY WORLD WAR III)

      or Shall human beings think more CREATIVELY JUST LIKE the financial elites of UK/US did and create a new better system to lead ALL HUMAN BEINGS INTO next round of technological innovation and global prosperity?

      If China can lead in the 2nd option, then CHINA NATURALLY WILL BE THE NEW GLOBAL LEADER!

      Unfortunately, I do not think it will happen due to the lack of talents IN China. No offense.

      Actually, I also do not think America/Europe has incentive to reform the current FUNDAMENTALLY-FLAWED system, even though both have reservior of talents.

      Next 10 years will be years of turmoil and uncertainty, because "the matrix is undergoing a painful system reconfiguration"....

      We always live in an imperfect world. Ever since there is human being, we never have a perfect monetary system that can work for millenium without problems.

      Treasury-note-as-base might just be a second success/then failure in human's history in terms of financial system configuration...

      • 家园 说的不错啊


        Because all human beings, esp., average Chinese are selfish, short-sighted, economic animals. Only RELIABLE money, or "a TRUSTWORTHY paper mirage", can create incentive for hard work.


      • 家园 应和一下






        • 家园 好像不把三座大山打下,内需如何扩大?


      • 家园 哈哈哈,来个搞笑的建议。


        每年来个全球大比武,每个国家上限出一万军人厮杀。 日落时分按各国斩获首级和剩余人数决定下一年新发行货币配额。

        把债务货币变成最可靠的暴力货币。 用鲜血解决贪婪问题。

      • 家园 英汉双语的 看着比纯英文还累


      • 家园 为何瑞士法郎被认为是安全货币呢?


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