
主题:【求助】写了一封离职告别信,高手们帮我把把关! -- DF41

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          • 家园 这种告别信



            电邮一般上就是Keep in touch, good luck, all the best,之类的场面话。交情好的自然有聚餐什么的。

          • 家园 赐教实不敢当




            Hi Soen,

            Been a great pleasure working with you. Here's my personal contact info:



            结尾处视你俩关系深浅,可以选用不同色彩的称谓和语气,比如很亲密的,就说 I know I'll miss you... Stay in touch, and all the very best wishes to you, my friend. 也就可以了。


        • 家园 [email protected] ......




    • 家园 写的不错,不过要改的不少。


      1 写的太长了,没有任何的必要。如果是中国公司我不知道,但是在老外的公司,这类的email很少有超过5,6行的,老实说写的长了别人不会觉得有礼貌,会觉得奇怪你为什么要告诉他们这些事情。

      2 语法错误和习惯用语错误也不少,要注意一下,不过如果是在国内发给英语是第二语言的人为主的,那也没什么。反正大家谁也不比谁高明多少。

      3,这类东西一是简短,二要注意too much information,在英语环境中这个不是好习惯,会让人反感的。如果真的有好朋友要联系,不是写这类的email了,那需要单独的联络。

    • 家园 有一点长

      Dear all,

      As some of you may already know, I have resigned from XXX company and this is my last week here. (I will starting a brand new role in another company which will afford me the opportunity for better personal growth and professional development.这句话没有必要,建议删除,一般换工作多是为了这个原因) I have greatly enjoyed working with all of you, you've been not only colleagues but my friends as well.


      Over the last three and half years I had the pleasure to work with a strong team. Together we have provided world class services to our customers, accomplished the one great goal after another, shared a rewarding learning experience and we have much to be proud of.

      I want to give special thanks to PEK Management - person name,person name,person name,person name. You have given me consistent and valuable guidance, support and encouragement, you are true professionals in action.

      I sincerely hope that our friendship will not end with my departure. In the future, I can be reached via mp#1381025xxxx or email: [email protected]

      Best wishes for the Chinese New Year!


    • 家园 写得很好啊

      只是一般辞职信很少写这么长的。我的辞职信一般就两段,第一段serve notice,第二段thank you,差不多。有什么感谢的话就约当事人喝茶面谈。帮你改一改时态。

      Dear all,

      As some of you may have already known, I have resigned my position here on Jan.06 and this is my last week in XXX Company.

      I will starting (这里有两个选择,你要不就用will be assuming 或 am assuming。两者差不多,但是am assuming的语气比较确定。start 和 role搭配不当。) a brand new role in another company which will afford me better opportunity for professional and personal development.

      I am leaving with a mixture of excitement and regret, because I have enjoyed working with all of you very much. You've not just been valued colleagues but dear friends as well.

      Indeed, my stay in XXX company for the past 3.5 years has been deeply fulfilling. It has been a pleasure to work with (或者fight along,fight with有歧义) a

      strong team. Together we’ve provided world-class services(要不要加s要视你的工作内容而定) to valued customers, accomplished one goal

      after another(建议再简化为many goals), shared a rewarding learning experience; We have much to be proud of.

      Special thanks to XXX Management - person name,person name,person name,person name for the numerous support, guidance and encouragement. I’ve learned through you how a professionally managed project should look like.

      I trust that our friendship will continue (to grow) after my departure或I trust that we will continue to enjoy a cordial personal relationship after my departure。你自己斟酌一下。主要是friendship will continue不太正规。. You are welcomed to reach me at any time via mp#1381025xxxx or email: [email protected]

      Please accept my best wishes in the coming Chinese New Year!

      I will miss you all my brother & sisters!


      Yours truly,

      关键词(Tags): #辞职信(大圆)
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