
主题:cited article, 中国除了不断地说“不”之外 -- parishg

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          • 家园 wait and see.

            USD will strengthen against all European currencies for sure.

            Never, ever, underestimate Ben Bernanke. This Fed Chairman is an evil genius.

            • 家园 I agree

              USD has already risen against EUR for a while and Europe, honestly speaking, is full of potential bombs. But the US elites are nevertheless amazing in planting and triggering these bombs. They are Masters of manipulating and execution and the Chinese elites can learn a lot by watching their playbook. I, as one of the "pimin", only desire to read a few of their hands.

        • 家园 中国现在就出头




          • 家园 agree

            my point is that China needs to give a much better system to all countries on the earth to dismantle this america-led global order and replace America as the No.1.

            Currently, I do not think it is possible. China lacks economic resources as well as intellectual pool. China barely passed the stage as a poor third-world country. Its nationals have not benefited from the rise of China.

            People on this forum just could not wait any longer. You read Chen Feng's post: Canada and America are nothing already compared with China.

            He keeps on talking about inflation threat, but I believe we will actually see deflation in the next 10 years. As I said before, a chemical engineer should not step out of his field of expertise and boast about long term economic forecasts. If he can read history a bit more, he will see the helicopter Ben is actually a evil genius.

            • agree
              家园 Can't agree more



            • agree
              家园 看来有些想法是大家都有







        • 家园 美国还能象80年沃克尔加息加到超10%么?




          • 家园 加息加到超10%

            will not happen for at least 10 years. USD will experience a long period of weakness against major Asian currencies (though not necessarily against Euro).

            it is deja vu of 1970s.

            USD needs weakness to inflate away liabilities for gov, corporations and individuals. And last time it took more than 10 years to achieve that. There will be enough time for all major banks to adjust their exposure to various derivatives.

            When US economy came back again with new innovations and solid growth, interest rate increase becomes a natural outcome in line with the interests of the financial industry. Anyway, the current weird yield curve structure makes it very hard for banks to earn interest income from their main business. Their trading income has been severely constrained by the Volcker's rule.

            There are all kinds of interest rate derivatives for several decades. Those derivatives are not today's invention. But in 1995, Fed did start to raise interest rate. As you say, 那样很多新兴国家就会爆掉.but, Americans are quite selfish here. They care more about their own national interests only.

            BTW, my impression is that Fed and major bank heads have constant info exchange through various private channels. Fed and Treasury actually know quite well what is happening at major banks.

            • 家园 所以那个too big too fail电影就是瞎扯


              • 家园 the author is the jewish kid

                he is an insider. Is he going to tell you that "we" control everything and we f* everyone's pension fund?? Oh, by the way, the stock market is just a giant Ponzi scheme for us?

                Of course, not. That book is full of Ba Gua news on specific persons, no solid or insightful long-term analysis. You see today's American media is long on Ba Gua news and short on serious analytical reports on true news: the people who are really in charge just want you, the civic society's citizens to be stupid and un-critical.

                • 家园 Yeah, reasonable

                  尽管一些事情用常理分析一下,就显得过分夸张了。Honestly, I do not think I can pick up long-term analysis from the market(I mean, the book market). I have to do it by reading lots of historical/economic/financial books and tapping into the professional world.

        • 家园 不看立场,这篇对美国思路的分析不错


        • 家园 I am no experty in economy

          nor military. I am merely a chemical engineer. Regarding to your comments:

          Tianjin's mayor, so he should not be blamed for making comments as a bystander.

          Anyone can make a comment. But idle comments are worthless. Negative thinking or neh saying does not get anyone anywhere.

          It is now the elected officials' reponsibility to create a better system there. Esp., for China, as the other G2 nation.

          A better system is not created by a few people. History is created by the masses. Leaders are but a catalyst.

          NOW if China wants to lead the world, China needs to propose a better solution. 世界经济需要的不是新的技术,而是新的世界社会经济秩序。 Then China needs to give a better plan to the whole world, do not expect Americans or Canadians will do that. They are the largest beneficiaries under the current system.

          China is not proposing. China is leading by example. That is what Beijing Consensus is about.

          Euro is not better. Global gold is not enough for the current trade payment need.

          You are rushing to conclusion. It is convenient to have an international clearance currency but not a necessity. Before WW2, there was no single international clearance currency, or you can say there were multiple parallel ones: sterling, francs, US dollars, marks, etc. It will be less convenient to go back to a similar system but not impossible. Bilateral clearance as China is setting up with a number of countries is another route.

          Overseas dollars flowed back and were eliminated electronically through the Fed reserve system.

          You are talking about delinking money and wealth. How do you think Feds like that idea? Or anyone else? Small amount can be considered as a monetary policy adjustment. But a massive one is the start of a general collapse of US dollar if they try that on a massive scale. And once US dollar starts to flow back en masse, only a massive one can "absorb" the surplus. Or a massive inflation. Your pick.

          establish new infrastructure to support another 60-year of technological expansion and economic growth,

          --this is the 1970s solution which does not destroy the current system. It is a low-cost option to avoid too much political disruption.

          No one, China included, likes to destroy the current system if it still works. And that is a big "if". If that system still works, western economy would not have been in such a mess. No revolution is voluntary. And don't confuse revolution with agitation. Agitation is to stir things up when things are not fundamentally broken.

          • 家园 what is Beijing Consensus?

            Actually, I realize that even domestic Chinese officials can not give specific description of this term.

            Washginton Consenus is the propaganded term of the Republican wing of free market believers. It works for US to some extent, but was a disaster for Asia in 1990s.

            You are talking about delinking money and wealth. How do you think Feds like that idea?

            -- you did misunderstand how the system works. It has nothing to do with the decoupling between money and wealth. For Fed Reserve, it is merely a Dr/Cr. adjustment to reduce outstanding currency.

            Oh, BTW, I do not think China elites will fundamentally reform the current system. The financial elites of US and China are much much closer than you wish them to be. The end result will be merely a great bargain between the two sides.

            For them, nationality does not mean much, as well as national loyalty. You will understand what I mean 10 years later.

            Let's wait and see the "history" of the next 10 years.

            • 家园 也许你说得对


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