
主题:cited article, 中国除了不断地说“不”之外 -- parishg

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                • 家园 特意去看了看,只有一个跟帖者说,此人是天津?的前副市长。


                  • 家园 但站在美国的立场, no.

                    no. I do not support America's position. I do not know why you come out with this conclusion. I am never a fan of Paul Krugman.

                    But if China wants to lead the world, China needs to propose a better system to accommodate the interests of the majority of the nations in the world. During this process, the globe needs to walk carefully away from a probable depression and warfare. The Bretton Woods II system has its inherent problem. China should lead the world here by framing a better global monetary system.

                    America has no incentive to make any modification. If everybody just wants the comfort under the current system, the BENIGH OPTION is that a global inflation helps America to recover. And we come back with another 10-20 years of peace.

                    A worse alternative is the global turmoil of 1930s.

                    • 家园 现有系统不改的话市场力量会继续



                      我认为某一天美国也会被要求用人民币支付Made in China的工业品。美国折腾的动静大一些,这一天就早些到来。美国平静一些,这一天就来得晚一些。

                    • 家园 美国上个30年代的做法不也是放任甚至推动世界堕入




                      关键词(Tags): #杂谈
                • 家园

                  “But he does raise a very good point for china: how to lead the world by proposing an alternative monetary system to replace the current Bretton Woods 2. To gain global leadership, one nation needs to give a better system to the world and to maintain prosperity and growth.”

                  Key point!!!

                • 家园 你得到了它

                  Any criticism of china, even a constructive one, is a big taboo here.

    • 家园 是的,毕竟高端人才的积累和引进,评价,中国的经验都很少
    • 家园 talents!? LOL


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