
主题:【纽时连接】生为两位总统亲戚,死了也值 -- 元亨利

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  • 【纽时连接】生为两位总统亲戚,死了也值

    If you are relative to a US president, you get an obituary in the New York Times when you die. The deal is good. If you are relative to two US presidents--yes, you guessed right, you still get one obituary in the NYT. Prescott Bush Jr. was George Bush's brother and George W.Bush's uncle. He tried his hand in politics briefly and dropped out before he either made a big name like his brother George Bush or disgraced himself like his nephew George W.Bush.

    Mr.Prescott Bush Jr died on June 23rd,2010, he was 87.

    NYT's Obit

    • 【纽时连接】中国足球明星在哪里?

      Americans are practical folks. If you don't assert yourself, they won't pay attention to you, no matter how great your culture was. Such has been the case up until very recently for China. Just 10 years back, you rarely read anything about China or Chinese in The good o'le New York Times. Nowadays, however, you flip through the pages on any given day, you'll surely find the word "China" or "Chinese" somewhere in the paper.

      And it could be in almost any field. Therefore, it is not surprising that the newspaper wonders aloud:

      Where Are China’s Soccer Stars?

    • 【纽时连接】帕西诺中央公园搬演威尼斯商人

      He was Godfather's son and grew into the Godfather himself. He's the good guy and he's the bad guy, always with gun blasting. We love him on the silver screen. Now Al Pacino stepped onto the stage as Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice" and got rave reviews there as well.

      This one is a new production by director Daniel Sullivan at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park. It is not the first time Al Pacino plays the Italian merchant. He played him in a movie version (with Jeremy Irons,one of my favorite actors) several years back.

      Many serious American actors perform on stage. Because this is a less commercial channel to satisfy their artistic talent. The theaters shell out much slimmer pay check, if at all. But actors have more freedom in expression.

      It seems a tradition that theaters perform Shakespeare in the parks for free.

      NYT's theater reviewRailing at a Money-Mad World

    • 【纽时连接】CNN的拉里金要走人了

      It's the beginning of the end, as Americans like to say. CNN's host, Larry King announced that he would end his long-running talk show, “Larry King Live,” this fall. The reason is, beside the cliche:I-want-to-have-more-time-with-my-wife, apparently the falling ratings.

      Mr.Larry King is a centerpiece at CNN for many years.He was admirably versatile, able to interview a singer and a president in the same week (he did so this month, with Lady Gaga on a Tuesday and President Obama on a Thursday).

      His possible replacements include "American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest.

      NYT link

    • 【纽时连接】谷歌为更新大陆执照试新招

      There are still a few barks left in this old dog(we all know how we call Google in Chinese).

      For several months now, the search engine company has operated in mainland in a marginal way: it automatically redirected mainland Chinese users to a site in its Hong Kong branch,google.com.hk where the searches will not be censored. But with Google's license up for renewal through Chinese government, this strategy is doomed.

      To save the company the fate of losing mainland Chinese market share, it will submit a new search routing:Chinese users will see a page at google.cn, which offers a single link to the Hong Kong site, where they can conduct searches or use other Google services, like translation and music, that require no filtering.

      Would this work for the government? It remains to be seen. The license will be expired on Wednesday.

      NYT's link

      Google to Stop Redirecting Chinese Users to Hong Kong

    • 【纽时连接】奥利弗斯通的政治眼光转向南美洲

      Politics is not a big word in Hollywood(Money is). But if your name happens to be Oliver Stone, that's another story. After with Born on 4th of July,JFK, Nixon under his belt, Mr.Stone now turned his lens to Latin America, specifically, Hugo Chávez, Venezuela’s controversial populist president, and his reformist allies in South America. Unlike his previous movies,the new 78-minute “South of the Border” is meant to be a documentary. Not unlike the previous ones,however, it is also plagued with the same problems:the mistakes, misstatements and missing details. In any case, an Oliver Stone movie is always worth viewing.

      NYT's movie review,"Oliver Stone’s Latin America"

    • 【纽时连接】华人设计师之死

      He's a young Chinese. He's not only fashionable, he created fashion. He's an eccentric designer in The Big Apple. Now he's dead.

      Tobias Wong, Witty Designer and Conceptual Artist, Dies at 35

      His death was ruled suicide by the authorities. But people close to him still couldn't believe he actually intentionally killed himself. Right up to his death, He hadn't shown any sign of unhappiness or frustration. Yes, he 's gay but his domestic life seemed normal as well. He even talked about buying house and having kids with his partner. These people are contemplating the possibility that his sleep disorder might have led to sleepwalk and that's the reason why he did what he did.

      The Mysteries of Tobias Wong

    • 【纽时连接】朝鲜战争六十年祭

      June 2010 saw the 60's anniversary of Korean War. The New York Times carried a series of articles to mark the occasion. Some made interesting reading. Here are some of the links

      The Forgotten War, Remembered, it includes 4 links of its own to accounts of the war by veterans, not all on the American side. You can read a Chinese soldier's story.

      Historical record:The signing of the truce


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