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        • 家园 摇头,说了是纲要了,没多少内容


          XLVI. The Parthian War

          III, 11 While in the north the Roman people by the hand of Caesar were conquering the Gauls, in the east they received a serious blow from the Parthians. Nor can we complain of fortune; for it was a disaster which admitted of no consolation. 2 Both gods and men were defied by the avarice of the consul Crassus, in coveting the gold of Parthia, and its punishment was the slaughter of eleven legions p211and the loss of his own life. 3 For Metellus, the tribune of the people, had called down terrible curses on the general as he was leaving Rome; and after the army had passed Zeugma, the Euphrates swallowed up the standards, which were swept away by its swirling eddies; 4 and when Crassus had pitched his camp at Nicephorium, ambassadors arrived from King Orodes with a message bidding him remember the treaties made with Pompeius and Sulla. 5 Crassus, who coveted the royal treasures, answered not a word that had any semblance of justice, but merely said that he would give his reply at Seleucia. 6 The gods, therefore, who punish those who violate treaties, did not fail to support either the craft or the valour of our enemies. In the first place, Crassus deserted the Euphrates, which provided the sole means of transporting his supplies and protecting his rear, trusting to the advice of a pretended deserter, a certain Syrian named Mazaras. 7 Next, again under the same guidance, the army was conducted into the midst of vast plains, to be exposed to enemy attacks from every side. 8 And so he had scarcely reached Carrhae, when the king's generals, Silaces and Surenas, displayed all around him their standards fluttering with gold and silken pennons; then without delay the cavalry, pouring round on all sides, showered their weapons as thick as hail or rain upon them. Thus the army was destroyed in lamentable slaughter. 9 The consul himself, invited to a parley, would on a given signal have fallen alive into the hands of the enemy, had not the barbarians, owing to the resistance of the tribunes, used their swords to prevent his escape.1 10 The general's son they overwhelmed p213with missiles almost within his father's sight. The remnants of the unhappy army, scattered wherever their flight took them, through Armenia, Cilicia and Syria, scarcely even brought back the news of the disaster. The head of Crassus was cut off and with his right hand was taken back to the king and treated with mockery which was not undeserved; for molten gold was poured into his gaping mouth, so that the dead and bloodless flesh of one whose heart had burned with lust for gold was itself burnt with gold.

        • 家园 Lucius Anneus Florus的原文全文



      • 家园 这里说是三万六千人



        • 家园 列举的数据不是古史资料,是西方学者挑出的最政治正确的数据
























    • 家园 好象不太可能是汉军顾问团在帮忙


      In the aftermath of the retreat, 4000 wounded legionnaires would be put to death. The Parthians managed to catch another 4 cohorts that had gotten lost, and killed all but 30 of them that showed remarkable courage. The remaining Romans reached Zeugma, but another Parthian spy convinced Crassus to flee the city with his men and head into an area of "safety". This area was in fact a large bowl shaped valley that proved inescapable for the Romans and the Parthian army arrived just as they realized they were trapped once again. The Parthians offered to discuss peace, but only if Crassus himself would attend the meeting. Although initially resistant, the remaining legionnaires threatened to kill him themselves, and Crassus relented. This "peace" meeting was nothing but a third trap. Crassus and his council were seized and killed. He head was severed and sent to King Orodes II.

      In the aftermath, 20000 Roman legionnaires had been slain, and another 10000 captured. Cassius had managed to lead 6000 of the Romans to safety. The 10000 prisoners were sent to the Parthian region of Sogdia in far eastern Parthia. It is rumored that when the Han Chinese captured this area in 36 BC, they might have actually fought the remnants of these prisoners. Taken from Chinese reports of the conflict are tales that their enemies formed a shell with their shields that proved effective against the Chinese arrows. This formation sounds remarkably like a testudo.

      The only positive thing to come from the battle, were tales. Tales of bright, flowing cloth that dazzled in the sunlight as gold. It was silk, and this battle led the European nations to prize the fabric. This battle led to the establishing of the Silk Road and caused the start of Europeaninterest in the Far East.

      • 家园 最好那一段谣传就是指陈汤所遇的鱼鳞阵



        Taken from Chinese reports of the conflict are tales that their enemies formed a shell with their shields that proved effective against the Chinese arrows.


        明 日 , 前 至 郅 支 城 都 賴 水 上 , 離 城 三 里 , 止 營 傅 陳 .望 見 單 于 城 上 立 五 采 幡 織 ,數 百 人 披 甲 乘 城 ,又 出 百 餘 騎 往 來 馳 城 下 , 步 兵 百 餘 人 夾 門 魚 鱗 陳 ,講 習 用 兵 . 城 上 人 更 招 漢 軍 曰 「 來 ! 」百 餘 騎 馳 赴 營 , 營 皆 張 弩 持 滿 指 之 , 騎 引 卻 . 頗 遣 吏 士 射 城 門 騎 步 兵 , 騎 步 兵 皆 入 . 延 壽 ﹑ 湯 令 軍 聞 鼓 音 皆 薄 城 下 ,四 面 圍 城 , 各 有 所 守 , 穿 塹 , 塞 門 戶 , 鹵 楯 為 前 , 戟 弩 為 後 , 卬 射 城 中 樓 上 人 ,樓 上 人 下 走 . 土 城 外 有 重 木 城 , 從 木 城 中 射 , 頗 殺 傷 外 人 . 外 人 發 薪 燒 木 城 . 夜 , 數 百 騎 欲 出 外 , 迎 射 殺 之

        • 家园 其实内容关系不大。


      • 家园 很高兴你能从证据上承认事实




        • 家园 其实如过汉军介入此仗和陈汤的讨罚只只的是矛盾的


          • 家园 对的,您找到的恰恰是史料上的矛盾之处




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