
主题:【原创】网球拍的弦(简介,巨枯燥,闲人莫入) -- hangzhou

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  • 【原创】网球拍的弦(简介,巨枯燥,闲人莫入)


    1. Natural Gut - 羊肠弦

    2. Synthetic Gut (Nylon)

    3. Polyester

    4. Kevlar


    1. Solid Core with One Outer Wrap

    2. Solid Core with Multi Wraps

    3. Multifilament (no wraps)

    4. Multicore with Wraps

    5. Textured

    6. Composites

    7. Monofilament Polyester


    弦又有粗细之分(string gauge):

    15 = 1.41-1.49 mm 17 = 1.20-1.24 mm

    15L = 1.34-1.40 mm 17L = 1.16-1.20 mm

    16 = 1.26-1.33 mm 18 = 1.10-1.16 mm

    16L = 1.22-1.26 mm 19 = 1.00-1.10 mm


    弦的选择应考虑:playbility, durability, power, control,cost。

    playbility durability power control cost

    1. Natural Gut H L H H H

    2. Synthetic Gut M M M M L

    3. Polyester M H H H M

    4. Kevlar L H M M L

    球拍的main和cross可以用同一种弦,也可以用不同的弦。用同一种弦的可以用一根弦来穿整个拍子(one piece job),也可以把弦切为二,分开来穿(two piece job)。有的球拍,比如Yonex的,厂商规定必须用two piece job,而其余的则两者皆可。球拍的感觉(Playbility),力量(Power),旋转(Spin)大部分是由main决定的。

    一般的网球爱好者多选用synthetic gut,价钱便宜,又有一定的寿命。Natural gut赦么都好,就是太贵,所以多为专业运动员所中情,而且很多都是由公司赞助。Kevlar很便宜而且耐久,但致命弱点是感觉太差。Polyester很早就有,但以前不普遍,因为太硬,容易受伤。但现在很流行,主要是用来和Natural gut,Synthetic gut hybrid,即用两种弦来穿拍子。流行的有两种:

    1. Natural Gut for main, polyester for cross。很多职业球员就采用这种方法。Federer就用Wilson Natural gut(main),Luxilon Big Bang ALU (cross)。优点是继承了natural gut的所有优点,power减少了一点,但spin大大增强,因为polyester cross会使natural gut的main的基本不移动,从而大大增加咬球的能力,产生更多的spin。缺点是贵,且寿命不长,因为polyester会象锯子似的把natural gut很快锯断。

    2. Polyester for main, synthetic gut for cross。这种穿法现在很流行,尤其在业余选手中。优点是不太贵,寿命很长。可以产生很强的spin,又不太硬,球感也不错。


    1. Natural Gut: Babolat VS Natural Team Gut, Bow Brand Championship Natural Gut.

    2. Synthetic Gut: Prince Synthetic Gut Duraflex, Gosen Micro OG Sheep, Laserfibre SuperNatural Pro Stock.

    3. Polyester: Luxilon, Kirschbaum Turbo Touch, Ashaway Monogut, Gosen Polylon.

    4. Kevlar: Ashaway kevlar.




    • 2004年Wimbledon男选手的网球拍和弦,拍子大部分是paintjob

      Roger Federer

      Wilson nCode 6.1 Tour

      Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power Rough/Wilson Natural Gut 16L

      No string tension available

      Andy Roddick

      Babolat Pure Drive +

      Babolat Pro Hurricane/Babolat VS Team 16

      73 lbs

      Guillermo Coria

      Prine Experimental NX GRaphite

      Luxilon Big Banger Original

      52 lbs

      Carlos Moya

      Babolat Pure Drive

      Luxilon Big Banger Original

      60 lbs

      Tim Henman

      Slazenger Pro X-1

      Luxilon Big Banger Timo 17/Babolat VS Team

      51.5 lbs

      David Nalbandian

      Yonex RDX-500

      Luxilon Big Banger Original

      64 lbs

      Juan Carlos Ferrero

      Prince NX Graphite

      Luxilon Big Banger Original


      Rainer Schuettler

      Head LM Prestige Mid

      Polystar Energy 1.25mm

      No string tension available

      Lleyton Hewitt

      Yonex RDX-500

      Babolat VS Team/Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power

      56 lbs

      Andre Agassi

      Head LM Radical OS

      Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power

      66 lbs

      Gaston Gaudio

      Wilson Pro Staff 6.1

      Toalson Thermax

      59.5 lbs

      Sebastian Grosjean

      Head LM Prestige () NOT

      Babolat VS Touch

      22/21 kg

      (he also did 1 at 23/22 kg each time as well)

      Nicolas Massu

      Babolat Pure Control Plus

      Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power

      53 lbs

      Paradon Srichaphan

      Yonex Ultimum RD TI-80

      Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power/Babolat VS Touch

      64 lbs

      Marat Safin

      Head LM Prestige Mid

      Babolat Ballistic 16/Babolat VS Team

      No string tension available

      Juan Ignacio Chela

      Babolat Pure Control Plus

      Babolat Ballistic 16

      No string tension available

      Andrei Pavel

      Fischer Pro 1

      Luxilon Big Banger Ace Touch 18/16L

      No string tension available--looks like a hybrid but not sure

      Jiri Novak

      Volkl Tour 10 MP

      Luxilon Big Banger Alu Power

      29/28 kg

      Tommy Robredo

      Dunlop 300G

      Luxilon Big Banger Original

      23.5 kg

      Mardy Fish

      Dunlop 300G

      Babolat VS Team/Luxilon Big Banger Timo 17

      No string tension available

      • 没想到Gaudio用的居然是Wilson Pro Staff 6.1,


      • 这有点怪

        看着有点怪。Moya 本来就是有名的底, 没想到 Coria 52, Ferrero 53/51.

        大概红土的底? 但Henman 51.5! 他咋么 volley?


        • 这又冒出一高手。


          Clay的地打过一次,适合比较“肉”的人,我满喜欢,只是场地不太多。我的拍子用的人不多,Dunlope Revelation oversize 112。

          • Dunlop的拍子很不错,尤其是Dunlop Muscleweave200G


            clay court好,不容易受伤,又能快速减肥。哈哈哈。就是在北美不太多。

            • 哈哈哈,还球路呢,能把球都给整回到对方球场就不错了。



              • 你可以试试这几种球拍

                1. Prince Original Graphite Longbody(Only available in Europe)

                2. Prince Original Graphite Oversize

                3. Prince Original Graphite Mid

                4. Head Ti Radical Oversize

                5. Yonex MP Tour-1 Mid

                These racquets are fore baseliners. If you are interested in all-court or net game, then:

                1. Wilson Prostaff 6.0, 6.1, Tour 95。

                2. Head i. Prestige

                Sorry it take me so long to reply your question, I was quite busy and I am not quite familiar with many old and new racquets.

                You have to try by youself. If there is a store around you that providing demo racquets, then you should get couple of them and find out which one is best fit for you.

                There are so many other racquets available on market, with old discontinued racquets, it's quite difficulty or even challenge to find right one based on other's opinion. Here is the link for you:


              • 雨声兄别泄气



                • Kurten用的是Head i.Prestige MID(98)

                  线是Luxilon Alu Power.

                  萨芬以前用Dunlop 200G。Dunlop一直是以号称结实出名的,后来被萨帅哥摔了几次拍子(萨摔牌子非摔断不可)后觉得很没面子,就停止赞助了,萨转投Head旗下,现在用的是加重的L7(Head Prestige Classic)(萨的穿线师说的)。

                • 受教受教

                  我用的是Pro Staff 5.3,也是小拍面。我当初买的时候就是有个网球教练说桑普拉斯用的也是Pro Staff,由于我是他的FANS,非常欣赏他 的打法,就买了。结果技术不行,还是喜欢打红土场,我发现这款拍打土场也很好,反倒我到了北美后打硬地反而感觉不爽。


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