
主题:【原创】丁龙其人(一) -- 王树

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    • 获得Dean Lung Professor荣誉的人们


      1. Friedrich Hirth/夏德,1845-1927,外链出处,1902-1917年间的Dean Lung Professor of Chinese(Dean Lung Chair of Chinese).

      2. Lucius Chapin Porter/博晨光, 1880-1958, 外链出处,1922-1923年间的Dean Lung Professor of Chinese.

      3. Luther Carrington Goodrich/富路特/傅路德, 1894-1986,外链出处

      4. Hans Henrik August Bielenstein/毕汉思,生于1920年,外链出处

      5. David Der-wei Wang/王德威, 生于1954年,外链出处,2002-2004年间的Dean Lung Professor of Chinese.

      6.Madeleine Zelin/曾小萍 ,生于1949年,外链出处,现在的Dean Lung Professor of Chinese.

      关键词(Tags): #丁龙#Dean-Lung

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    • 【原创】丁龙其人(二)



      New York

      June 28, 1901


      Columbia University


      I send you herewith a deposit check for $12,000 as a contribution to the fund for Chinese learning in your university.


      Dean Lung

      "a Chinese person"


      1. 丁龙的家庭


      1)New-York Tribune, October 13, 1901, Page 14

      "Dean," as he is called in the Carpentier family, is married and has three children.

      当时Horace Carpentier是匿名捐的钱,要求是设立汉学系,以及一个以Dean Lung冠名的教授席位,在那个疯狂排华的年代,即使在号称文明理性开放的大学里,这个举动也算惊世骇俗(学校一度非常尴尬,不太愿意冠丁龙的名字),一时间大家都在挖这个人到底是谁。虽然校董严格保密,但纽约实在太小了,很快大家就发现Horace Carpentier家里有个佣人的名字跟这个席位的名字完全相同,大家就猜是Carpentier捐的钱,后来他也承认了。这篇文章就是当时“揭露”捐钱者的文章之一。


      2)Horace W. Carpentier 1905年写给哥大的信,解释他为什么要用丁龙的名字来命名中文系的教授职位。这封信的最后一句话被引用过很多次。

      The department of Chinese at Columbia University bears the name of Dean Lung and to it he contributed a generous sum. Of him therefore I would say a few words. He would have been glad to find in this land of the free a home and education for his family; but, without any question of worth or fitness, he was denied the right of domicile here and excluded from the privilege of citizenship—a privilege, as it seems, so little valued that it is given almost for the asking to the swarming vagabonds and cutthroats from southern Europe and western Asia and even to the African savage who will come and accept it. Pagan he may be—as Socrates, Lucretius and Epictetus were pagans—but a man of rare integrity, temperate, vigilant, brave and kindly, doing well today the work of today, by birthright and education a follower of Confucius, in conduct a puritan, in faith a Buddhist, and in character a Christian.

      这封信里提到了丁龙的家庭——“He would have been glad to find in this land of the free a home and education for his family”,让人不禁猜想,丁龙捐钱设立汉学系的愿望中,不知是否有一部分是为了他的子女——很可能他们在当时的美国没有机会接受中文教育。


      2. 丁龙的年纪


      1) Mia Anderer从档案里翻出来的,丁龙自己作的誓词

      The affidavit upon his return from the 1894 trip to China reads as follows:

      “Dean Lung 5 ft 7 in. 41 years old Res. 108 E. 37 St. New York. I am a traveler, have railroad bonds in New York one of West Shore of $1,000 and real estate in Oakland California. I have no business. I want to go to New York to sell my bonds and lots. Was never in business in New York. I started in as student of medicine but did not finish. I came to the U.S. When I first came to U.S. I landed in San Francisco remain there about 1 year at Mission St. then came to New York when 18 yr. old at 108 E. 37 St. N.Y. had some money there. Have been twice in China admitted.”

      It is interesting to note that he did not return from his 1894 visit to China until 1899, a five year span of time!


      “Dean Lung,身高5英尺7英寸(约1.73米),41岁,住址纽约东37大街108号。作为旅行者,我拥有纽约一家名为西海岸公司的价值1000美元的股份和加州奥克兰的一处房产。我没有做生意,我想到纽约去卖掉我的股份。我进过大学主修医学,但是没有完成。我第一次到达的美国城市是旧金山,并在该市的米申大街住了大约一年。随后我来到纽约。之前出境回到中国两次。



      这份誓词里有两句话跟丁龙的年纪相关,一是“(我现在)41岁”,当时是1899年,由此可推测丁龙的生年是1858年。二是“我第一次到美国的时候,在旧金山上岸,并在那里的Mission St停留了大约一年的时间,然后我来到了纽约,那时我18岁。” 丁龙初到美国时应为18-1=17岁,是在1858+17=1875年。

      2) New-York Tribune, October 13, 1901, Page 14

      "Dean Lung," who sent $12,000 to the fund, is Mr. Carpentier's body servant and has been in the employ of the family more than twenty years. He was sixteen years old when Mr. Carpentier engaged him at San Francisco to do light work about the house, and he has been in his employ constantly since that time.

      这是在1901年6月份,Horace W. Carpentier和丁龙先后向哥大捐款,要求设立汉学系后,当地报纸的报道。里边提到丁龙在旧金山遇到Carpentier时只有16岁,而根据上面丁龙的誓词,他初到美国时是17岁。我想有两种可能:1)虚岁问题,丁龙自己用的是虚岁。如果是这样,丁龙出生年份应为1859年。2)不是虚岁问题,而是月份问题。美国人的习惯是16岁11个月仍然叫16岁,而中国人着这种情况下多习惯说自己是17岁。如果是月份问题,丁龙仍有可能出生在1858年。

      3)Mia Anderer报告里提到的美国的人口普查记录

      According to the 1905 town census, (taken June 1, 1905), the people listed in the Carpentier household were HWC, age 80, Caroline Crocker, boarder, age 50 and Dean Ding, valet, age 46.



      Dean Lung的中文名字,很可能并不是丁龙,他在美国的记录终止于1905年,他那时要回中国,不知道他的家人是否跟他一起回来了,不知道他的后人现在在哪里,丁龙本人和他的后人此后再也没有和哥大进行过接触。据Mia Anderer的研究,丁龙很有可能是从温哥华坐船回去的——如果他真的回去了的话,他离开美国边境(进入加拿大)的日期大约在1905年6月27日,坐火车横贯加拿大,从魁北克到温哥华大约需4天,从温哥华坐船到香港大约需19天。如果丁龙一路不作停留,直接回国的话,到达时间大约在七月下旬。


      关键词(Tags): #丁龙#Dean-Lung

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