
主题:美国军方主要针对中国的超级船以民用名义在夏威夷下水试航 -- 假语村言

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  • 家园 美国军方主要针对中国的超级船以民用名义在夏威夷下水试航

    朋友转发过来的美国一新书简介, 不看不知道,一看吓一跳. 美国,从来就没有停止把中国当作头号假想敌; 而中国,在梦想中美联盟.


    美国军方主要针对中国的超级船(SUPERFERRY)以民用名义今年在夏威夷下水试航。不少夏威夷当地人不愿意做小白鼠(甚至将来做炮灰),正在抗议。这事也正在夏威夷最高法院打官司,下一次开庭是在12/18。夏威夷最高法院早已经判过一次超级船不合法(主要是因为负面的环境影响之类的原因),但法院胳膊拧不过军方的大腿: 企业家John F. Lehman(里根时期的国防部长)在夏威夷州长 Linda Lingle 的支持下,违反法院禁令继续造船下水,造成既成事实。(感叹一句:啊,美国,多么神奇的法治国家!)

    更多详情,请看美国人 Koohan Paik 和Jerry Mander的新书 “ THE SUPERFERRY CHRONICLES:

    Hawaii's Uprising Against Militarism,

    Commercialism and the Desecration of the Earth”



    Hawaii's Uprising Against Militarism,

    Commercialism and the Desecration of the Earth

    Co-Authors: Koohan Paik and Jerry Mander

    THIS INSPIRING new book by award-winning Kauai film-maker Koohan Paik, and IFG director Jerry Mander, is an astonishing report of a successful local citizens' uprising confronting an invasive corporate project controlled by big military financiers 6,000 miles away, with potentially disastrous environmental consequences especially for whales and other sea life. Their investigation also reveals interlocking connections to Pentagon plans for U.S. Navy expansion in the Pacific, as well as the deeply shocking performance by Hawaii's rightwing governor, Linda Lingle, who pushed the project forward despite a Supreme Court ruling against it.

    The story has three primary focuses:

    John F. Lehman: The infamous wealthy NY military financier, former Secretary of Defense under Reagan (where he famously advocated for first strike nuclear war), a leading neocon---close colleague of Richard Perle, a member of 9-11 commission, and the man that the NY Times said would likely be John McCain's chief of staff (if he'd won.) Lehman ALSO owns this odd new ferryboat service in Hawaii, which sounds innocent enough, but it isn't. The boat is a hi-tech, very high-speed shallow water aluminum catamaran boat much bigger than a football field, five stories high, completely out of scale for use in Hawaii. Many observers believe it's the prototype for the Navy's hopes to expand the Pacific fleet--a strong desire of Lehman's going back to Reagan days-- by building 55 similar high-speed ferries, fitted as transports and gunboats, to be part of the controversial Joint High Speed Vessel and Littoral Combat Ship programs. John McCain talked about the project in the second debate. The idea is to be prepared for possible military threats from China, which is reportedly now developing similar shallow water high-speed boats. Many believe its introduction of this colossus to Hawaii was mainly as a try-out, or an in-the-water test run for its military uses. A few days ago, the Navy announced it would go ahead with ten more almost identical boats from the same manufacturer that builds the Superferry.

    A second key player is Hawaii governor Linda Lingle---the conservative Republican governor of a democratic state, who frantically pushed the project on a public that didn't want it. She has shamelessly carried towels for the company, ignored and then circumvented a Supreme Court ruling against the boat (because it's so devastating to whales, and causes other big environmental problems), and supported the company's refusal to do an Environmental Impact statement (which the boat probably could not pass). Fiercely ambitious, Lingle has used her connection to Lehman to zoom her way up in the Republican hierarchy where she had the great honor of "palling around" with, and introducing Sarah Palin at the Republican convention, and during much of Palin's campaign. (Lingle also publicly argued that Obama isn't really Hawaiian, making much of the state's population, which loves Obama, furious.)

    The third extraordinary element is the amazing huge spontaneous local uprisings, on Maui, and especially on Kauai, heretofore the quietest and most passive of places. (The Times reported some of these protests, though not the Lehman-Lingle connections.) When the boat first headed for Kauai, thousands blocked the harbor and hundreds of people threw themselves in the water, many on surf boards! to stop the vessel and did, two days in a row, till the company cancelled all runs there. (It still does the Honolulu-Maui run.) The Hawaii Supreme Court has now re-opened the case and will take testimony on December 18, which could lead to a halt of all future service.

    Truly, this is a remarkable local-global story of a hugely successful environmental resistance, largely led by people, particularly surfers, who have never resisted anything before. Throughout the book we hear their repeated testimonies and analysis, along with numerous experts on whale safety, local environmental issues, military issues, and the workings of global corporate investment and finance.

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