
主题:【原创】格鲁吉亚危机3:萨卡什维利的高空走钢丝演砸了 -- 独孤鸿影

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      • 家园 还有中国


        Please check the SCO special reports: China has already provided a strong support to Russia. If China stands up and condemns Sam directly, that is equivalent a declaration of a war.

        On the issue related to the creation of a global anti-missile defense system, they stressed that the establishment of such a system will not help in maintaining a strategic balance, runs counter to international efforts towards arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, and is not conducive to enhancing trust among countries and regional stability.

        On the issue of South Ossetia, the SCO members expressed their deep worries over the tense situation triggered by the South Ossetia conflict, and called on relevant parties to solve existing problems peacefully through dialogue, strive for reconciliation and push for negotiations.

        The SCO leaders welcomed the six-point proposal on solving the conflict which was reached in Moscow on Aug. 12, expressing their support for Russia's positive role in promoting peace and cooperation in the region.

        On the prevention of conflicts, the leaders pledged to abide by the UN Charter and relevant UN Security Council resolutions and basic norms governing international law in the process.

        • 家园 感觉中国是在玩平衡术,


          • 家园 需要讨论‘强大’







            • 家园 很有内涵





            • 家园 今天人品很好啊呵呵





          • 家园 中国是在玩平衡术

            My personal view is, China already did his best to support Russia.

            expressing their support for Russia's positive role in promoting peace and cooperation in the region.

            If Sam gets officially as well as directly involved with Georgia conflict, China could also should make some action. However, at current situation, if China makes official military alliance with Russia as Russia suggested, that would totally change the situation - EU and Sam cannot make no response. That would push them closer. China and Sam have strong tie in economy, so any support to Russia could be a big pressure on Sam. Anyway what will happen in black sea next would be very interesting.

            • 家园 从抗衡美国的角度看,中俄联手是必要的,但是


              • 家园 《读书1》200809期
              • 家园 联盟,领导权

                The leadership in SCO is so far not an issue. Dragon won't be leaded by bear, vice versa. Today economy bond could be a more effective way than any destructive weapons in ruling this world. So the leadership, could be explained by a strong economy power that is able to connect the majority of neigbouring countries. or even further ones together.

                Currently, Sam is by far stronger than any of bear and dragon. Sam has been putting his nose in middle Asia area and eastern Europe for quite some time. The effects of Sam's efforts have come out already: it broke the old European order, and refreshes the old alliance NATO with more aggressive new roles, like Georgia, Poland, and Ukraine, which have been shown highly enthumastic in having troubles with bear.

                SCO was establshed under such a circumastance. Bear should have realized it neither will be decently accepted as a member of Wetern Club, and nor is able to maintain the current sitation only by itself, thus it appealed to dragon. Clearly bear has recognized dragon's interests in the central Asia. In fact this is the basis of SCO as well as B-D collaboration. Remeber what happened just before March, 21 this year? Bear didn't shout, and it simply sent a military delegation to dragon a week before that day.

                In this round fight, bear achieved his goal with dragon's help - Georgia was punished, Sam's involvement was explosed and lost face in the conflict, Ukraine, Poland were warned, and EU gave in. Dragon played a role of quiet soldier in this round fight-his gun was pointing to enemies in silence. Probably bear and dragon did some practises about all possible situations in the excercise last year.

                As the fate of SCO, now it is not right time to predic because Sam is still by far stronger than any of these two, and it is able to keep this much stronger power for some time. However, one thing is quite clear, as long as Sam keeps expanding, the organization will continue to exist and function.

              • 家园 不会,这个领导权就是世界霸权了



      • 家园 如今的世界局势



        • 家园 忘了说马士基总部在丹麦


        • 家园 非洲么?


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