
主题:希望版主或者哪位高级朋友帮个小忙:) -- 万斤

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  • 希望版主或者哪位高级朋友帮个小忙:)




    “我们今天在德国的专访对象是Victor和Victoria Trimondi(译者注:可能是夫妻或兄妹)。他们曾在欧洲推广达赖喇嘛的理念。他们合作写作了一本重要的欧洲畅销书《达赖喇嘛的阴影:藏传佛教中的性,魔法和政治》。你们是如何首次认识达赖喇嘛的?”




    • 不觉得《西藏文化谈》是那本书的中文版


      Victor Trimondi: Der Schatten des Dalai Lama,Duesseldorf 1999

      就是该书(The Shadow of Dalai Lama)德文版。



      The Shadow of Dalai Lama只略略扫过

      • 顺便,我对西藏密宗的厌恶来自于自己的认识






      • 《西》文基本结构是按照那本书的顺序


    • 一点补充材料

      顺便说一句,耶律大石的《西藏文化谈》不是严格地翻译,实际上他本人做了很多编辑和删减工作,不过基本还是按照此书的顺序,这里给出一段,出自《西藏文化谈19》——达赖喇嘛与麻原彰晃。对应的英文是第13章,《THE JAPANESE DOOMSDAY GURU SHOKO ASAHARA AND THE XIV.DALAI LAMA》,



      But the Himalayas did not yet loose their hold over him. Almost a year later, in February 1987, Shoko Asahara stood before the Fourteenth Dalai Lama. He was received by the supreme Kalachakra master in person. He probably first met him in the year 1984, as His Holiness conducted a ceremony in Tokyo at the invitation of the Agon-shu sect. Asahara was at this stage still a member of this religious community.




      But Asahara was not a complete nobody for the god-king. According to the German magazine, Stern, they had met five times since 1987 (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Amazingly, weeks after the first poison gas attack, His Holiness still called the guru a “friend, although not necessarily a perfect one” (Stern 36/95, p. 126). Then a document from 1989 came to light in which the Kundun thanked the AUM sect for donations and confirmed that they “encouraged public awareness through religious and social activities” (Focus 38/95, p. 114). On January 21, 1989 Asahara had sent the sum of $100,000 to Dharamsala for the assistance of Tibetan refugees. As a kind of service in return he received an official note from the Council for religious and cultural affairs of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in which one can read: “To the best of our knowledge, AUM attempts to promote public well-being through various religious and social activities, for example through instruction in Buddhist doctrines and yoga” (Focus 38/95, p. 116–117).


      Let us begin, then, to present the “spiritual” evidence and incriminating material piece by piece: there is no doubt that Asahara believed himself to be the incarnation of a Shambhala warrior and was absolutely convinced that he was acting as a delegate of the mythic kingdom. ....One of the songs the members of the sect had to listen to daily on headphones goes “Shambhala, Shambhala!”

      奥姆真理教的宗教仪式是完全按照喇嘛教制定的。奥姆真理教的内部刊物就叫做Vajrayana Sacca。而麻原的行为准则也从早期的大乘佛教道德观(慈悲为怀等等)一转而变为喇嘛教的“翻转法则”,任何违反社会常理和法律的犯罪行为不再是禁忌,麻原写道:“最坏的事,转换变成最好的事,这就是密宗的思想方法。”麻原的个人修练可以说是西藏大喇嘛修练的复印件。麻原对他教里面的所有女信徒有性使用权,实际上他也经常使用此权。同喇嘛教一样,此性修练的权力只有教内最高层才有,广大的普通成员都必须“守戒”,如果谁手淫被抓到,会被关几天单独禁闭。这里手淫的意义是射精,在闭精的情况下则正相反(从这里我们可以看到麻原是多么严格地遵守密宗的教条),麻原命令他手下的男学员:“每天手淫,但不许射精,如此干十天!然后每天手淫两次。。。把你最喜欢的女明星的照片挂在眼前,最好是裸照。充分发


      • 补上麻原札幌的修炼


        姆真理教的宗教仪式是完全按照喇嘛教制定的。奥姆真理教的内部刊物就叫做Vajrayana Sacca。


        After his contacts with the Tibetan lamas, however, this pure Mahayana orientation became increasingly complemented by tantric practices and viewpoints. In the spring of 1990 he introduced what he called the Tantra-Vajrayana System of Practice as a discipline of AUM Shinrikyo. Some time later a journal by the title of Vajrayana Sacca appeared.




        From this point on the gateway to the legitimation of any crime lay open. In accordance with the tantric “law of inversion” the low was from now on inverted into the high. „Bad deeds”, the young tantra master wrote, „instantly change into good deeds. This is a tantric way of thinking” (Asahara, 1991, vol. 1, p. 65). At another point it says, “


        As the highest guru, all the women of the organization were at his disposal both on the basis of divine benevolence and de facto, and he made frequent use of this right,


        Just as in Tibet’s monasteries, the tantric union with a karma mudra was for him exclusively the privilege of the highest initiates. In contrast, the main body of AUM members had to submit to a strict commandment of sexual abstinence. Anyone who was caught masturbating had to spend several days in solitary confinement.


        Just as in Tibet’s monasteries, the tantric union with a karma mudra was for him exclusively the privilege of the highest initiates. In contrast, the main body of AUM members had to submit to a strict commandment of sexual abstinence. Anyone who was caught masturbating had to spend several days in solitary confinement.


        By the sixth week the time has come. A female partner is found and given a little alcohol to drink. Then the couple withdrew together and began first with “some petting” in which the adept stroked the nipples of his mudra and stimulated her clitoris. Afterwards he copulated with the girl according to a predetermined rhythm that was always derived from factors of the number nine: keeping still for 81 breaths, moving the phallus in and out nine times; keeping still for another 81 breath units, 27 times in and out, and so forth. It is not clear from the translation by Kaplan and Marshall whether here too the seed is retained. At any rate they had to “always let her come first” (Kaplan and Marshall, 1996, p. 160).


        The offering up of the wisdom consort to the guru necessary in the high tantras was likewise practiced by the AUM sect. A pupil who made his girlfriend available justified this offertory act as follows: “If she and the guru fuse together her mental level rises. … By sacrificing himself, he pours his energy into a woman. It’s better [for her] than fusing with me” (Kaplan and Marshall, 1996, p. 161). Asahara also made use of this reason: “This is a Tantric initiation. Your energy will rise quickly and you’ll achieve enlightenment faster”, he is said to have told a reluctant female pupil whilst he tore the clothes from her body (Kaplan and Marshall, 1996, p. 158).



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