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主题:砖砸懒虫小妹妹 -- 煮酒正熟
先来看一个名词解释,de facto relationship ,这个名词是国外正式法律文书上经常会用到的。实际意思就是相对于婚姻关系的同居关系。中国境内目前的同居的概念,正是从西方而得。但是,国内有同居出现,起源是为何?从西方照搬或借鉴的又是什么呢?是否受法律保护呢?社会又是如何看待的呢?道德和法律之间应该取哪个平衡点呢?是该选择合情的事还是该做合法的事情呢?男女是否平等呢?经济独立性又如何呢?。。。。西方社会是如何看待同居的呢?在西方人眼里,婚姻又意味着什么呢?他们老一辈人又如何看待同居呢?
哇,哪位学人类学,动物学,社会学, 法学,计算机学的,诸如此类的给个答案?
de facto relationship
A domestic partner outside marriage is referred to as a de facto husband or wife by some authorities. In Australia and New Zealand, in contrast to other English-speaking countries, defacto has become a term for one's domestic partner. It is a legally recognised relationship of a couple living together in Australian and New Zealand's law, e.g. "This is my defacto, Rachel". This is equivalent to the term common-law husband or wife used in most other English-speaking countries.
Domestic partnership
A domestic partnership is a legal or personal relationship between individuals who live together and share a common domestic life but are not joined in a traditional marriage, a common-law marriage, or a civil union. In some legal jurisdictions, domestic partners who live together for an extended period of time but are not legally entitled to common-law marriage may be entitled to legal protection in the form of a domestic partnership. Some domestic partners may enter into domestic partnership agreements in order to agree contractually to issues involving property ownership, support obligations, and similar issues common to marriage。
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🙂酒兄慢砸 2 白菜 字279 2007-02-07 03:58:24
🙂呵呵,兄弟好像两条都误会了 煮酒正熟 字431 2007-02-07 20:28:31
😄哎,您这么推论论坛还有什么乐趣了? 秦关 字0 2007-02-07 04:07:17
😄考证一下de facto relationship
🙂小非侠 your point is valid 煮酒正熟 字932 2007-02-07 20:21:11
😄老酒好喝。。啧啧 1 精装白沙 字0 2007-02-07 01:56:11
😥砸哭了嘿... 1 不死鸟 字48 2007-02-06 22:13:23
🙂老酒这个帖子。。。 1 jufeng 字90 2007-02-06 21:39:35