
主题:加拿大信托基金:黎明前的曙光 -- 倥偬飞人

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家园 加拿大信托基金:黎明前的曙光

去年10月31日,加拿大保守党政府在没有任何咨商的情况下,违背竞选承诺,宣布要对income trust 征税,直接造成了这个板块市值大幅缩水数百亿加币,给投资人造成了巨大损失,对加拿大经济和政府收入都构成了负面影响。

最近,自由党和魁人政团宣布将对保守党决策过程展开聆讯,他们的立场是将征税时间延后十年,对石油天然气类royalty trust免征税。由于这两个党派目前是第二、三大政党,而且保守党是少数党政府,这项新政策可能无法通过立法;今年也很可能重新大选,自由党则可能重新执政,翻盘的希望还是不小的。如果你持有加拿大的信托基金,可以助一臂之力,免费加入Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors,发出你的声音,给保守党一个教训!如果成功翻盘,在目前每月派发红利的基础上,基金价格本身有可能翻倍,回报更加理想!具体消息可以参考下面的连接:


At the current price level, the dividends from income trusts are amazingly good. If nothing changes, I believe we will still have very good return in the next four years and beyond. However, we may enjoy a strong tail wind if the income trust tax can be averted, and the chance of winning is great - we have liberals and the quebec party on our side, plus a coalition of strong powers from energy, financial industry and more:

[URL=]http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070115.wtrustttt0115/BNStory/Business/home [/URL]

We will have a greater chance to win if everyone of us to raise our voice. Be a winner and join Canadian Association of Income Trust Investors here: [URL=]https://www.caiti.info/index.html [/URL]

If we win (that's for sure :-)), our income trust portfolio will easily double from current levels, and yes, in addition to the fat dividends being paid out every month!

Best of luck to all!

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