
主题:【询问】国外的兄弟们,听说没听说中国导弹把以色列护卫舰打了的事情? -- 外务府行走

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家园 大部分是拥有这些国家国籍的黎巴嫩人



Canadian presence in Lebanon reveals deep ties

... In recent years, many entrepreneurs of Lebanese origin have gone back to do business, ...In addition, many have taken their children there on vacation.

Some business people keep summer residences in Lebanon, "It's like people here going to their cottage or to Florida."

According to the 2001 census, almost 144,000 people of Lebanese origin live in Canada, although community leaders say the number is closer to 400,000. ... thousands of Canadians living in Lebanon are residents there with dual citizenship. They will likely stay...

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