主题:【文摘】中国彩电业的危机、机遇和出路 -- bos
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Calm down wukw. Little Pig must have touched a nerve! Someone has to think in longer terms. I'm sick of people paying attention only to things that will get immediate result. In the long run, R&D is the key.
There is a limit as how much and how long the government/companies can exploit China's cheap labor market.
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🙂哦,不好意思,搞错了 金口玉言 字46 2006-05-26 21:12:59
🙂sometimes human is more stupid than pigs bshu 字416 2006-05-25 12:19:39
🙂He is not only a pig 金口玉言 字24 2006-05-26 13:43:59
🙂don't be so negative to the OP
🙂呵呵,已经在做,5年里中国制造会给中国人惊喜 葡萄 字0 2006-05-25 12:31:35
🙂何必说那么多,举两个简单事实就够了 小僧 字26 2006-05-25 10:38:32
☹️有一朵花是我送的。 语迟 字0 2006-05-25 10:14:18
🙂你颠倒黑白了,国内的电视机行业的兴起就是靠 dafemren 字88 2006-05-24 23:13:38