
主题:【原创】看来很多人需要转变思路 -- 大众河蟹

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家园 Smart Strategy??

I had a hard time following your logic. You are losing tens of millions if not hundreds of millions and you say this is a smart strategy??

Your long gold short copper strategy sounds good on paper. But don't you realize copper rises much faster than gold? You doubled commitment of capital, doubled your risk(gold could go down while copper still up) yet you are still losing money.

Crude Oil is down? Last time I check it is back to $60 again. Of course it is down from $70 but even in a bull market, it cann't go straight line up. In fact if you look at the chart, the correction in oil is getting shallower and shallower. Very soon, oil will be back to $70. There have been no major discovery in the world for thirty years. The current oil fields are reaching their peak capacity quickly. Just last week, Kwuqut confirmed his biggest oild field already reached its peak capacity. You tell me where is the oil come from.

Again as 老成都 points out, you are blurring line between producer/consumer hedging and trader speculation. As a government agency, in the future market, 国储 should be strictly hedging and never engage in this kind of pure speculation. Remember this is not the first time this happens. A few years ago China lost tens of millions of dollars in a big short position in Zin. These people are using the country's blood and sweat money for gambling: win they themselves took home big pay checks;loss the worst they lose their jobs.

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