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主题:【原创】建党百年随感 -- 天马行空
共:💬442 🌺5110 🌵150
President Joe Biden warned Sunday at an Independence Day celebration that Covid has yet to be "vanquished," even if Americans have made huge progress against the pandemic.
"We’ve gained the upper hand against this virus," he told a large, cheering crowd of guests on the White House lawn. But he added, "Don't get me wrong: Covid-19 has not been vanquished. We all know powerful variants have emerged, like the Delta variant."
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🙂如果ADE效应真的存在,那么疫苗肯定会失效 12 菜根谭 字473 2021-07-03 19:15:12
🙂美国疫苗的群体效果,还是非常明显的 45 方平 字2888 2021-07-03 22:18:08