
主题:川总要翻盘啦 -- 明心灵竹

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家园 刚刚成真,不是笑话了,




The package also instructs lawmakers to honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender-neutral. Among specific changes, the new rules strike ‘‘himself or herself’’ and insert ‘‘themself,” and changes “chairman” to “chair.” The rules also change familial terms to make them gender neutral, changing “uncle” and “aunt” to “parent’s sibling,” for example.

Democrats said the rules change was designed to reflect the increasingly diverse Congress, but Republicans called the move was absurd.

“They are trying to limit our First Amendment rights,” Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) said on Fox News. “You no longer can say ‘father, mother, son, daughter.’”


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