
主题:看很多评论说闯粉会抗议与白粉冲突之类的判断,太想当然了 -- 中华土狗

  • 共: 💬 19 🌺 123 🌵 1

80%的人是认为选举结果是公正的,其中包括60%的共和党注册党员,只有3%的人不认同选举结果。民调再不准,在Marginal Error之内也可以判断绝大多数是认可结果的。

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was part of a broader survey that was conducted Friday to Tuesday and included responses before the presidential race was called.

It showed that 70% of Americans, including 83% of Democrats and 59% of Republicans, trust their local election officials to “do their job honestly.”

The poll also found that 72% think the loser of the election must concede defeat, and 60% think there will be a peaceful transition of power when Trump’s term ends in January.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. It gathered responses from 1,363 U.S. adults in all, including 469 respondents who took the poll between Saturday afternoon and Tuesday. The poll has a credibility interval, a measure of precision, of 5 percentage points.


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