
主题:阴谋论的重磅材料来了--安莎社:1月1日起新冠病毒就开始 -- 非吾有

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家园 新料新料-外交政策新鲜出炉-新冠是美国情报史上最糟糕失败



Last September, I met the vice president for risk for a Fortune 100 company in Washington, D.C. I asked the executive—who previously had a long career as an intelligence analyst—the question you would ask any risk officer: “What are you most worried about?” Without pausing, this person replied, “A highly contagious virus that begins somewhere in China and spreads rapidly.” This vice president, whose company has offices throughout East Asia, explained the preventative mitigating steps the company had subsequently adopted to counter this potential threat.

The Coronavirus Is the Worst Intelligence Failure in U.S. History

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