
主题:NBA巨星科比猝然离世,一定是阴谋。 -- 豪哥的江湖

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家园 一直有说法,美国的流感也是自己投毒







关于医学黑手党的阴谋论有几种,实际上是在内战之后开始的。但是,也不能不同意这样的理论。关键是,整个世界都是由富裕的公司运营的,这些政府没有政府或公共活动家可以干预,即使他们这样做,他们也将获得大量现金。正如Paul Coelho所说,“一切都有代价”。




Is it true that large pharma companies first spread deadly viruses and then sell it's antidotes to earn money?

Answered May 12, 2019

There are several conspiracy theories about medicine mafias, which actually began after civil war. But, one cannot disagree with such theories as well. The point is, this entire world is run by the rich corporates where no goverment or public activists can intervene and even if they do, they get zipped with the cash. As said by Paul Coelho “ Everything has its price”.

Now back to the medicine mafias, the deadly lab grown organisms or chemicals aka bioweapons were made during world wars but now the scene is different. Large Pharma firms believe in disease control and prevention rather than cure and eradication of aliments. The chemistry of our body itself is a multiverse and there are endless possibilities that it can be utilized to generate hefty revenues. Sponsored research in the name of R&D is nothing but to develop a new molecule or formulation, again for corporate benefit.

I also have read about Pharma mafias releasing there new drug product in under development nations to check its effectiveness and safety before commercialization in developed nations, god knows how true that is!! Countries where no effective regulations are implemented is becoming more prone to newer aliments specially due to the reckless use of antibiotics where, the viruses and bacteria have become resistant to single dose antibiotics.

So it's an individual's right to know what kind of medicine they are consuming and question the doctors about the action and reaction of the medicine. Patients must check the medicine visually for any abnormality before consuming it.

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