
主题:纯技术贴:依照现有的资料,中医到底能治好什么病?请您讨论 -- 想象残酷

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回到我给你的定义,英文就叫Scientific Method,翻译成科学方法,没问题吧?它里面的描述是这样的:

Scientific method is an empirical method of knowledge acquisition, which has characterized the development of natural science since at least the 17th century, involving careful observation, which includes rigorous skepticism about what one observes, given that cognitive assumptions about how the world works influence how one interprets a percept; formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental testing and measurement of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as opposed to a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises.[1][2][3]


A scientific hypothesis must be falsifiable, implying that it is possible to identify a possible outcome of an experiment or observation that conflicts with predictions deduced from the hypothesis; otherwise, the hypothesis cannot be meaningfully tested.[7]


切记,我从来没有说过不需要事实检验,我强调的是,必须先具备可证伪性,才有可能用事实来检验Hypothesis(猜想)所推断的结果。正如上面所说的:“otherwise, the hypothesis cannot be meaningfully tested”


既然我要坚持要用这里定义的科学方法,我当然要咬紧可证伪性这点不放了,如果你有其他方法,不必使用Hypothesis(猜想),自然也就不必要求可证伪性了,那么请你把方法的名称亮出来,让河友们一起学习一下,想必你的方法,不会也叫科学方法(Scientific Method)吧?

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