
主题:【文摘】最年轻的院士张亚平:用外国人的成果骗到中国的院士 -- 蜻蜓点水

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家园 【文摘】我自2000年以来的论文发表情况 - 张亚平







1991年在Nature和1993年在PNAS(San Diego)作为第一作者发表的论文)。

Ding Y-C, Wooding S, Harpending H, Chi H-C, Li H-P, Fu Y-X, Pang J-F,

Yao Y-G, Xiang YJG, Moyzis R, and Zhang Y-P. (2000) Population

structure and history in East Asia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 97:


Yao, Y-G., Kong, Q-P., Bandelt,H.J., Kivisild, T., Zhang, Y-P. (2002)

Phylogeographic differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in Han Chinese. Am.

J. Hum. Genet. 70: 635-651.

Wang, X.X., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y.P. (2002) Erratic evolution of SRY in

higher primates. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 582-584.

Lu, X.M., Fu, Y.X., Zhang, Y-P. (2002) Evolution of mitochondrial

cytochrome b pseudogene in genus Nycticebus. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19:


Shi, P., Zhang, J., Yang, H., Zhang, Y-P. (2003) Adaptive

diversification of bitter taste receptor genes in mammalian evolution.

Mol. Biol. Evol. 20: 805-814.

Li, H.P., Meng, S, Meng, Z., Fu, Y-X, Zhang, Y-P. (2003) Genetic

Diversity and Population History of Sichuan Snub-Nosed Monkeys

(Rhinopithecus roxellana). Genetics 164: 269-275.

Yao, Y-G., Macaulay, V., Kivisild, T., Zhang, Y-P., Bandelt, H.J. (2003)

To trust or not to trust an idiosyncratic mitochondrial data set? Am. J.

Hum. Genet. 72: 1341-1346.

Kong, Q-P., Yao, Y-G., Sun, C., Bandelt, H-J., Zhu C-L., Zhang Y-P

(2003) Phylogeny of East Asian mitochondrial DNA lineages inferred

from complete sequences. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73: 671-676

Palanichamy M G, Sun C, Agrawal S, Bandelt H J, Kong Q-P, Khan F, Wang

C-Y, Chaudhuri T K, Palla V, Zhang Y-P. (2004) Phylogeny of

Mitochondrial DNA Macrohaplogroup N in India, Based on Complete

Sequencing: Implications for the Peopling of South Asia. Am. J. Hum.

Genet. 75: 966-978.

Yao Y-G, Kong Q-P, Wang C-Y, Zhu C-L, Zhang Y-P. (2004) Different

matrilineal contributions to genetic structure of ethnic groups in the

Silk Road region in China. Mol. Biol. Evol. 21 (12): 2265-2280.


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