
主题:美国的金融扫荡与中国的工业扫荡 -- 贼不走空

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家园 19 years ago, it can price

50% below its ALL competitors in the world and still earned high profit margin. Low labor cost and cheap steel price are two most important weapons. No competitors can match this kind of cost advantages.

Those two advantages are slowly eroded over years, esp., after the rapid appreciation of RMB in the last 10 years.

Under previous chairman's leadership, the firm built up a solid engineering team. But without cost advantage, its market share could evaporate fast.

某些机械说穿了,跟INTEGRATION capability 屁关系都没有,就是组装斗成本。BTW, its assembly center in Jiang Ying also provides a very important cost advantage: low transport cost. Just visit its assembly site and you will understand what I mean.

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