主题:两难的道路越来越狭窄 -- zhuhit
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about the way I have been posting:
1) if you can't model tgchina, you can't model the global capital market.
2) "white" never really understands china, how do you say in English: 四中全會, 强渡长江: 用孩子喂狼, 资本(信息)市场对外开放, 带动产业升级 ?
3) in a way, and in some areas, 马克思主义毛粉丝 such as "陈王奋起挥黄钺", "hullo" (not personally commenting ) understands white more than white themselves, and they have written many very outstanding posts.
but fundamentally 马克思主义毛主义是宗教, 不是制度/system, period.
and it looks like, 中共高层, or some of it, "get it", to some extent: 走出爱因斯坦电梯 of 马克思主义毛主义, in a very twisted 测地线 "china model".
with that, 保持毛林共识政治体制下, 中共高层 "用孩子喂狼, 资本信息市场开放, 强渡长江", to further normalize china with Uncle Sam managed global heatbath, 带动产业升级, 与美国为首的世界资本主义继续接轨
4) Chinese as an information processing language is fundamentally slow, although personally I have to read bilingually, even in physics, most of the time, but I have to type in English, a lot of faster.
5) mostly my posts are some kind of notes, more of "outline", with its logic of more of social physics, hard to read and understand, for almost anybody, and when I read some of my past posts myself, I sometimes have problems too.
now, let's get to business.
Part I
basic logic
white's 理想模型 (kind of 原教旨资本主义, in terms of economics, with my physics modifications)
社会经济系统=耗散系统, 革新, 增长, 不惜一切代价,and as such, 分配, 劳动人民福利=次要目标;
劳动力, 土地, 能源, 资本, 信息: 稀缺性重要性依次递增, 反过来依次递减;
global capital market=fundamentally 信息处理系统
社会政治法律系统: white's 普世体制, 配合资本市场/信息处理系统;
global capital market as a 信息处理系统
新的信息是私有的, 局域的, and capital market emerges, develops and grows with 私人资本(信息)套利 mechanism: those market participants (whose 信息是私有的, 局域的) come to market to 套利, because individual market participants all think that they own some unique 信息 (or their understanding of public 信息) in their business area, vs other private market participants.
and in the process of private and individual market participants' 资本市场套利交易, they produce information for themselves and others, and most importantly for the system as a whole;
without constant and dynamic information feed (or "energy" feed) produced by global capital market 24/7, 社会经济系统 as a 耗散系统 would fall apart, 革新, 增长 is totally impossible.
反证: 如果 all 信息从来是"公有"的, easy for market to price in or for central planners to model "产业升级" etc, then 社会经济系统 would not be a 耗散系统 anymore, it would be "completely" near and/or at equilibrium state, then 社会经济系统 will face the risk of maximization of entropy, 失去信息动量梯度, "热寂". 人类社会经济系统进步停止.
this is why in a post industrial capitalist economy, TG's "central planning" model is facing a fundamental problem: 信息和信息处理机制 (basically a real and internationally-open capital market) 缺失 for Chinese society, at least economically. 产业升级无从谈起.
obviously, when those dynamically produced 新的信息(私有的, 局域的)充分反映 or priced in the capital market (EMH model), it also helps 融资 to work out as another important function of global capital market.
by the way, as 陈王奋起挥黄钺 posted, a big chunk of global capital market is consisted of 劳动人民's mutual fund, pension, etc, 所谓人民资本主义.
vs. TGchina's 人民房地产地道战, 共军辽沈战役.
Part II
it looks like 中共高层, or some of it understands this "model" of global capital market fairly well, to some extent
共军辽沈战役 (past 30 years of tgchina):
did very well in terms of "劳动力, 土地, 能源" 资本主义化 with huge scales, in mainland china, much better than those other Asian countries of "TPP"
四中全會, 强渡长江: 用孩子喂狼, 资本(信息)市场对外开放, 带动产业升级
I have posted quite bit on that, and it looks 上证指数 is thinking that way as well.
politically, ideologically, 当然是
打左灯, 向右拐;
that is why I keep saying the social science in mainland china=BS of BS, and have your children started on physics and English yesterday.
Part III
四中全會, 强渡长江: 用孩子喂狼, 资本(信息)市场对外开放, 带动产业升级:
why? as I posed before, tgchina has an unique and super powerful "度量结构"凝聚力, vs other TPP Asian countries of basically 脑残, and Europe of basically 脑废 (极端民粹主义, as "hullo" posted), and japan 脑老;
with all that, more likely, china will continue to be a growth driver of global economy, only second to US.
potential game changers or road blocks:
HK: I think chairman X mishandled Hong Kong a little bit, 忘记共军忽悠战术了, but HK is not a big deal;
US/TPP may not be a big deal either, and I don't know much about it.
that is why I keep saying that Uncle Sam will likely come into a deal with 共军 when Hillary comes to the office, most likely.
all good?:)
1. about peak oil------
peak oil is more likely a "fake" model
the challenge facing today's global capitalism is information challenge, making worse by all kinds of social sciences "BS" all over the world.
some mathematical physics of "度量结构", in terms of GR.
"changshou did a great service with his following piece, without referencing complicated concepts such as "集合".
a 度量流形 is basically: locally 开集同胚, regionally/globally 微分同胚;
and with "时空是(某一类)度量流形", we have 一张全息屏,
and everybody is basically naked, as seen in that 全息屏"
时空对应在一张全息屏, "时空是(某一类)度量流形" [ 晓兵 ]
信息处理最终是要回到热力学层次 (macroscopic or mesoscopic) 的, and human brain has a fundamental problem of 脑热, or "退相干和噪声源", indiviudally.
个体个人 helps 产生信息 locally, however, 信息处理 is more of 全局的, 市场的.
【原创】量子生物学II - 西西河
Dec 31, 2012 - 光合作用给地球上几乎所有的生命提供了能量。 ... 这些分子被束缚在一蛋白质“脚手架”上,这“脚手架”即是退相干和噪声源同时可能又保护了在复合
Erik Verlinder 时空可以对应在一张全息屏上 晓兵 字9076 2014-09-17 14:48:33
"changshou"'s GR piece, "几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型", is just outstanding, I will do some post about the 2nd part of his piece, "时空分解与演化", there are very few physicists in mainland who can come to "changshou" level.
and in terms of 量子生物学, few can match "witten1".
china has long way to go in term of "ALGO" power.
partially because of that,
"中共毛泽东物理世界观尽头? 美军重返亚太, 兵临城下" [ 晓兵 ]
全球资本信息市场: "群体大脑" model, 规范场
"如果有所误差,你就根本取不出来": not a road block in terms of 产生智能:
其实"误差"是局域的, and gauge theory规范场's 局域相位变换 can be a model to handle that kind of challenge, in theory, in practice, we have computing power and other issues.
financial market as 规范场, a Russian physicist has written a book on that, with Chinese translation, and I have not read it yet.
what is the point?
四中全會, 强渡长江: 用孩子喂狼, 资本信息市场开放,带动产业升级, just do it, baby, how bloody it may be.
O 我的理解是这样的:类比和联想其实是神经系统自然的动作 花1 鸿乾 字1535 2014-04-01 11:26:10
....O "类比和联想的神经基础", & "量子力学的心脏” 晓兵 字10753 2014-04-03 16:07:40
....O 嗯,这个要好好想一想 原手 字434 2014-04-01 12:03:27
.....O 量子 computer can do "类比和联想" 花2 晓兵 字15262 2014-04-01 12:41:03
......O 向你推荐这本书 原手 字117 2014-04-01 23:54:30
.......O 自然语言: 熱輻射, 腦殘 risk 晓兵 字10281 2014-04-02 11:35:12
......O 熊起:人脑没有内外态区别,存储是树状增量并行,非线性寻址 晓兵 字3415 2014-04-01 23:17:20
.......O 熊起做了很好的评论。但是谁是熊起? 鸿乾 字362 2014-04-02 14:21:29
........O 黑猩猩记得是因为working memory比人的发达 原手 字43 2014-04-02 19:38:15
.........O 布洛赫波 to make 人 into 黑猩猩(:) 晓兵 字3644 2014-04-02 23:52:25
........O "人只能记忆理解了的东西,没有纯的存储" 晓兵 字6145 2014-04-02 19:16:30
........O 熊起:图灵机拥有内态,纸带上的输入信息可以影响内态 花1 晓兵
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压缩 2 层
🙂这个可能性基本为零 8 PBS 字1552 2014-09-18 14:00:33
🙂Bell curve or Seneca cliff 墨虎 字1352 2014-09-25 17:39:39
🙂四中全會强渡长江: 用孩子喂狼, 资本(信息)市场开放
🙂共军"强渡长江"的风险:毛林共识成本高涨, 美军亚太围堵 晓兵 字2274 2014-10-01 10:57:30
🙂张天蓉: best 数理科普 blog, 中文 1 晓兵 字393 2014-09-20 11:06:29
🙂这还没算你说的solar minimum 3 墨虎 字590 2014-09-18 17:50:34
🙂核燃料是非卖品 3 PBS 字872 2014-09-18 23:25:55