
主题:巴勒斯坦可怜,消费巴勒斯坦人血馒头可恨 -- 可口不可乐

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考夫曼于1912年移居到哈尔滨,成为很多犹太社团的领袖。在1914年他帮助管理了“犹太人战争受害者协助会”,在住房、食品和医疗上帮助了20万一战的难民,在1919年成为哈尔滨“犹太复国主义,(或者锡安主义?)”(zionist )的领袖,又在30年代成为全东北(满洲)的锡安主义领袖。他是哈尔滨犹太人的中心人物, 他有以下一大串子协会的头衔:


世界一个犹太人什么协会的board member;




1939年5月,考夫曼受邀正式访问东京(当然是受日本人的邀,那时候抗战已经进行将近两年,德国3个月后进攻波兰),他走访了日本政府的很多部门,会见了很多官员,成为很少的得到日本帝国勋章(imperial award)的外国人。他利用这个机会向日本官员表达了满洲犹太人的希望,需要和态度,得到了日本官员“不搞歧视”的保证。对于东亚的犹太人在日本治理下受到的无偏见的保护,向日本首相阿部信行表示感谢。如果日本能在东亚地区给全球的犹太人一个安全的居留地,作为回报,犹太人支持日本帝国的东亚新秩序。


Kaufman emigrated to Harbin, China in 1912, and quickly became the community shtatlan (organizer), active in many Jewish organizations.[3] In 1914 he helped organize the EKOPO society (Jewish Committee for the Help of War Victims) to assist some 200,000 World War I refugees with shelter, food and medical care.[2] In 1919 he became a Zionist leader in the Harbin Jewish community,[4] and of Manchuria (called Manchukuo when it was occupied by Imperial Japan) more widely, in the 1930s. He became an integral part of the cultural organizations of Harbin Jewry. Between 1919–1945 he was variously:[1][2]

medical director of the Jewish hospital of Harbin

chairman of the Harbin's Jewish community

chairman of the Jewish National Fund and Keren Hayesod Zionist fundraising organizations

board member of the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency

chairman of the Jewish Zionist organization of China

president of the Hebrew Association of Harbin

chief editor of the Evreiskaya Zhizn ("Jewish Life" – Еврейская жизнь) weekly Jewish magazine in Russian (1921–1943)

chairman of the National Council of the Jews of Eastern Asia (Far East) in 1937

He was also the head of the Far Eastern Jewish Council (FEJ – Национального Совета) which he helped found, and also the Vaad Haleumi (Ваад-Галеуми), both founded in 1937 with the encouragement of Japanese officials such as Norihiro Yasue.[1][5]

Activities during the Holocaust

Befriended by Imperial Japanese Army Colonel Yasue and General Kiichirō Higuchi, the engineers of the later-named "Fugu Plan", Kaufman organized three large conferences of the Far Eastern Jewish Council, which brought together Jews from across East Asia, and successfully appealed for his organization to be accepted under the umbrella of the World Jewish Congress. Through these conferences, he worked to encourage Jews from other parts of the region, and the world, to think of Manchukuo as a safe-haven for Jews, reassuring them, as his Japanese friends had assured him, that the Japanese were not anti-Semitic, nor inclined to be racially discriminatory against Jews.[5]

In May 1939, Kaufman was invited on an official visit to Tokyo, where he visited many of the ministries of the Japanese government, met with a number of officials, and became one of the few foreigners to be honored with an imperial award. He used this opportunity to express to the government officials with whom he met the desires, needs and attitudes of the Jews of Manchukuo, and was reassured of the non-discriminatory attitude of the Japanese government.[6] He formally thanked Prime Minister Nobuyuki Abe for the prejudice-free protection offered Jews in East Asia by the Japanese authorities, and suggested that the global Jewish community would be grateful should Japan create a safe haven in East Asia, and that in return the Jewish communities of East Asia would support Imperial Japan's vision for a new order in East Asia.[7]



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