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主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾
this is a great one, thanks.
I watched Hawkins presentation again, very interesting, keeping me coming back.
first of all, you following piece is hitting the nature of 智能 right on the money:
我的理解是这样的:类比和联想其实是神经系统自然的动作 [ 鸿乾 ]
I want to copy it here, hoping not to bother admin.
I watched Hawkins presentation again, he said he does not want a robot, or AI in general, he wants to replicate human cortex's 智能 in a software, and that software will be able to do a "类比和联想" automatically, and potentially in a hardware as well.
he wants to develop a cortex based 智能 paradigm for the next generation of computing of next decade, like MSFT, GOOG kind of scale and impact.
Hawkins wants something big;
原手's "Moravec的悖论" actually already touched that critical difference between animals, human being' s computing power and the computing power of average "technician/computer/robots"
obviously, humans (may be some animals) can do "类比和联想", but "technician /computer/robots" as we know today can't do it, although they can do many things much faster than human beings.
obviously, Hawkins' code wants to cross that border, making his code as powerful as animal or human being's cortex, in terms of being able to 类比和联想"
I have posted a few on the same subject, "类比和联想的神经基础", & "量子力学的心脏” 晓兵
I also made some point on the following paper.
"Paper也出来了,可以在这里看" [ Fuhrer ]
Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross
"类比和联想": if you cannot figure it out and do it, someone will make it, the "make or fail" gap here is basically information, and/or innovation.
In the humanity's forever game of innovation (提高劳动生产率), most people will fall behind, they may never have a chance to learn and understand the name and nature of that game in the first place, all their lives, for whatever reasons.
and consequently, money/capital will be taken away from those falling behind folks relentlessly, and transferred into the hands of innovators, that is basically
modern capitalist "温水煮青蛙" 金融 model (理论 "理想"model) , under "华盛顿共识"生产关系.
"自身的知识和勇气" 的稀有性 (value): "唯一能真正推动财富增长的,就是人类自身的知识和勇气"
"汉密尔顿ABC"講金融 (3): "决战千里之外" [ 晓兵 ]
the barrier between innovators and followers is more of "朗道势垒" in US and outside of china, and in china we have both "朗道势垒", and/or "毛林势垒" for you, baby, which one do you try to jump and cross? what is your talent? 朗道 type or 毛林 type?
if you manage to cross that "朗道势垒" anywhere (including in china), you will be a capitalist innovator, and money (capital) will fall onto your head from sky;
in china, if you manage to cross "毛林势垒", TG's 政治局 got a seat for you, better or worse?
obviously, 林's model missed 势垒 between "毛and 林", big time, then he got eaten alive by Mao.
So, right modeling is important(:).
I have posted quite bit on Erik Verlinde's theory
of gravity and entropy, which can also be viewed as an information theory or model.
basically, using an analogy: critical information is in the system or global heatbath, it is not evenly distributed (general relativity theory, gravity), but it is there, and with Verlinde's gravity entropy model, you can kind of do some modeling or computing to look for that "critical information", and Dr. Alexander Wissner-Gross (Harvard physics PHD) AI model is a try in that direction.
Hawkins wants to do it in his way, kind of a "quick and dirty" of software based replication of human cortex, typical silicon valley way of doing things.
why not? he has made a lot of progresses, with many commercial apps already making money for his company.
这个Pentti Kanerva的工作,也应该对Hawkins的影响很大。他是Hawkins的研究所的成员。
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂我看没有那么厉害 1 鸿乾 字962 2014-07-08 10:06:13
🙂玄想10:人是机器的认识之路和机器人的发展之路 10 鸿乾 字5003 2014-05-14 17:11:16
🙂推荐Hawkins的讲演 3 鸿乾 字352 2014-06-22 23:37:43
🙂Hawkins:my code'll do "类比和联想
🙂"智能": Landauer's principle 晓兵 字21073 2014-07-01 12:51:42
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🙂这回对他那个sparse memory听的比较明白了 1 原手 字60 2014-06-25 23:01:04
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