
主题:【原创】十三香烤奶酪——山寨的层次 -- forger

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家园 this is a good piece

using an analogy: a business (much more than a product, a technology) is a system, almost like a person, you can

山寨 the linear part of that person, all body parts, but the non-linear part, mind, spirit, characters etc, very hard to 山寨, almost impossible;

because of that, the non-linear part charges a premium, while 山寨 part can only be sold at discount, often below the cost, so it can't really continue as a real business model for a nation;

otherwise, how can humanity ever protect its innovation etc, if everybody 山寨, humanity is already dead yesterday;

as I posted before, the white logic system of physics, math, humanity (or what we called social science) has a 公理化 core, completely in physics mathematics, quite bit in social science;

of course, white social science & its system is challenged now more than before, at it should be;

that is an another issue;

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