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主题:这种仇视华人的言论绝对是对小孩洗脑的结果 -- 唵啊吽
cadgn, 你的这个转帖看起来有点长,而且点击不方便。你看调整一下会不会更好?同时,光是在网页上传播速度稍嫌太慢,不知道有没有哪位高人能把这个网页转发到微信上去么?
转一个:抗争信息汇总 13
发起华人抗议的好贴子总沉底,做了个SUMMARY, 大家补充,我会定期把贴子顶上来,
也请大家帮顶。感谢Texascave, Clover, DOD0, killerwei , qgyd2, helloterran,
qianhaiyan, weiqing, tsla, MrSingleton, moonflower7等ID
白宫 petition
白宫 petition 53k票了, 还差大家快来投一票表示你的担忧吧,同时要求白宫官方说法
象下面的一样给烂人Jimmy Kimmel's office 打电话
possible slogan list from ID "onetiemyshoe"
Core message is: we have the moral high ground. Disney needs to think twice
before cheap laughs at genocide.
1. "Killing All Chinese" is not laughter material
2. The laughter which came after a 6 year old proposed to solve the
US debt
problem by "Killing All Chinese", is going to be the most expensive "
laughter" in history.
3. Protect the children, Take responsibility for your debts and your
jokes. You were the adults who laughed.
4. Don't hide behind 6 year olds or it's Child abuse
5. Channeling messages of mass murder and genocide through 6 year
that's also child abuse.
6. It looks like a kids' show, it quacks like a kids' show. It
thousands of kids to messages of mass murder and genocide with
Sack Kimmel, Boycott Disney.
7. China-America Win-win. Disney laughs at "Killing All Chinese",
Disney will lose-lose.
8. Practice what you Preach, Walk your talk. Laughing at "Killing
all Chinese"? Be prepared to bankrupcy.
一网友的关于Report potential child abuse by jimmy Kimmel and Disney
/ABC to:
LA county child protective service:
800 540 4000
The kids table episode aired on Disney ABC on Oct 16 raised
serious issues of potential child abuse by exposing them to
genocide and violence languages without providing proper
guidance. Many questions need to be answered:
1 Did Kimmel and Disney/ABC coach these kids to use genocide language?
2 are parents of these kids aware of such language will be
used in the show?
3 was proper guidance provided to educate these children that
it is wrong to use violence as a solution to any issue?
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂公开的侮辱不能用私下的道歉来解决 1 凡卡 字98 2013-10-27 21:59:45
🙂不能上当。 5 唵啊吽 字169 2013-10-27 15:38:45
🙂转一个:抗争信息汇总 15 笑不拾 字3684 2013-10-26 15:00:31
🙂用革命的两手对付反革命的两手 9 陈光军 字272 2013-10-26 14:48:02
🙂请列举华人被侵犯事例 2 小书童 字1179 2013-10-26 07:23:21
🙂讲和不成动刀?印大爆中国留学生伤人案 川普 字253 2013-10-29 00:34:03
🙂见缝插针,还真是苦心孤诣的为华人着想 夜月空山 字0 2013-10-30 00:54:04